RESTful Cryptids (Lab)

What is a Cryptid you ask? Cryptids are legendary creatures such as Sasquatch (Bigfoot) or Nessie (Loch Ness Monster) that people claim to have seen or encountered, but no evidence has been gathered to prove it.

Prerequisite Lessons


For this assignment, you're going to build on the dinosaurs app that we built in class during the CRUD/RESTful Routing lesson.

Using the same app (just add to your existing code), create a mirror of what you created in the dinosaurs app, only this time, instead of dinosaurs, add and document cryptids! Big-foot is a fan favorite, but there are more to find by looking for cryptids online. Definitely find a strange or exotic cryptid to tell us about!

1. Add the cryptids.json file to your crud_dinosaurs directory. (That file is included in this repo.)

Just copy it over to your existing dino code. You should already have the code you need to read and write to JSON files from the dinosaurs app.

2. Create the following routes:

VERB URL Action (CRUD) Description
GET /cryptids Index (Read) displays all cryptids
GET /cryptids/:id Show (Read) displays the type and photo of a particular cryptid (:id would be replaced by an actual number 1)
POST /cryptids Create creates an cryptid with the POST payload data
GET /cryptids/new Add (Read) form for making a new cryptid
GET /cryptids/edit/:id Edit (Read) form for editing a specific cryptid
PUT /cryptids/edit/:id Update (PUT) update a specific cryptid
DELETE /cryptids/delete/:id Destroy (DELETE) delete a specific cryptid

Hint: You will need to have two folders inside your views directory, one for dinosaurs and one for cryptids. Make sure to change your res.render() statements accordingly!

3. Reorganize your routes into controllers

There should be one controller for dinosaurs and one controller for cryptids.


Make a tooltip that displays the name of the cryptid when you hover over the image.