
Toolkit for Data Science & Statistics

Primary LanguageAPL


A powerful library for data scientists and engineers developed by the great Dr. Bill Koko.

Koko once created one of the most downloaded statistical packages at Lehigh University, second only to the Fortran compiler needed to run his library. This is a collection of some of his APL functions he wrote, that he graciously gave to Dyalog to open-source.

Version 0.0.x has not been thoroughly tested as of yet. Feel free to experiment with this as it goes through some more testing.


generated by Dutils.MakeDoc using Dutils.Documentation

       Quickie Stats Summary                                               
      {ns} ← Anova          v  levels  norm                                
      {ns} ← AnovaPool      abt_mms_fr_il_al_si  (6 ⍬s with 1 substitution)
      {ns} ← {vnames} RegressMultipleLinear  yv  xvov                      
      {ns} ← {vnames} StepWiseAll            yv  xvov  Fr  Fa  (istart)    
      {ns} ← {vnames} StepWiseOne            yv  xvov  Fr  Fa  (istart)    
      {ns} ← {vnames} RegressPolynmomial     yv  xv    order               
      {ns} ← {vnames} RegressFosythe         yv  xv    order               
      {ns} ← {vnames} RegressChebyshev       yv  xv    order               
      {ns} ← {vnames} RegressFourier         yv  xv    order               
      {qvov names} ← ModelQuadratic                  vov                           
      {vov} ← ModelChebyshev                  ndata order                   
      {ns} ← PrincipleComponents    vov                                    
      {ns} ← {vnames} Statistics    vov                                    
      {cm} ← {vnames} CorrelMatrix  vov                                    
      {ac} ← AutoCorr               v                                      
      {cc} ← CrossCorr              v_stationary   v_losing_front          
      {ns) ← CrossTabs              v1  v2                                 
      {Xans DL} ← SimutaneousEquations   Amat RHSvector                         
      {ft} ← DFT                    v                                      
      {ft} ← FFT                    v                                      
      {ns} ← IDFT                  fft                                     
      {ns} ← IFFT                  fft                                     
      {wv} ← {ww} TukeyWindow       v                                      
      {vov} ← LeadLag                vov vup¯dn vfill cut_bot cut_top       

                   in    Stats.Distrib.                                    
         x ← Normal_Xa    ⍺      returns the x for that distributio tail   
         ⍺ ← Normal_Ax    x      returns the ⍺ for that x (distance from 0)
         t ← Student_Tad  ⍺ dof  return critical student_t value           
         ⍺ ← Student_Atd  t dof  return ⍺                                  
         c ← ChiSq_Cad    ⍺ dof  return critical ChiSquare                 
         a ← ChiSq_Acd    c dof  return alpha; given a ChiSquare and DOF   
         f ← Fratio_Fand  ⍺ n d  return critical Fratio;  alpha dof_N dof_D
         ⍺ ← Fratio_Afnd  F n d  return ⍺                                  
         d ← Fratio_Dfan  F ⍺ n  return denominator degrees of freedom     
                and all of the other logical possibilities                 

 Anova:   n-way Analysis of Variance                                           
              ns  ←  {FactorNames)  Anova  d  f  {p}                           
    d:  vector of data: logically partitioned with the first factor (A) going  
                        the slowest (all values of the first level of A, then  
                        all values for the second levcl of A, etc.) and the    
                        replicates for each cell bunched together:             
       A1 .........................................................    A2 .... 
       B1                             B2                  B3 ......    B1      
       C1        C2        ......     C1         C2 ...   C1 C2 ...    C1  C2 .
       D   all levels of D for A1,B1,C1; then all levels of D for A1,B1,C2; ...
       R   (replicates of (A1,B1,C1,D1) R1 R2 ...) then                        
           (replicates of (A1,B1,C1,D2)) R1 R2 ) ... etc.                      
    f: the list of factor levels:  If A has 3 levels, B has 4 levels, C has 2  
                          levels, D has 7 levels, and there are 5 replicates   
                          for each case:  f ≡  3 4 2 7 5                       
                          that means:  (≢d) ≡ 840                              
    p: optional:  default=0 ≡ present in the order:  A  B  C ... AB AC ...     
                          1 ≡ present as:  A B AB C AC BC ABC D AD ....        
       There can be up to 15 factors with replicates.   The pattern must be    
       complete: every level of A must have every level of each of the other   
       factors, and every case must have the same number of replicates.        
       The vector of numbers is logically the ravel of an n-dimensional matrix 
       that is A by B by C by ... by R. (d ≡ ,f ⍴ d)                           
  Resultant output:  ns: A (shy) namespace containing the variables:           
              ANOVA_Table   ANOVA_Averages   ANOVA_Residluals  and  ANOVA_Data 
   Try:  ns ← Anova (⍳64) (2 2 2 2 4)    {You can add error to the data:       
                          ((⍳64)+(64 random numbers))(2 2 2 2 4)               
                          At least Factor A (level 1 values: 1-32)(level 2     
                          values: 33-64) will turn out to be significant for   
                          reasonable sized error.  E.g.:  ((⍳64)+ (.1×64?64)   
   If all experiments have replicate 1 first, then replicate 2, then 3, etc.   
   i.e. replicate levelss are going the slowest not the fastest, they can be   
   reordered using the transpose:     r_fast ← .... ⍉  r_slow                  
   If the ≢d ≡ 60 and there are 5 replicates of 12 exeriments where factor a   
   has 3 levels; b has 4 levels -- the logical rho of d is 5 3 4.  It needs to 
   be 3 4 5.  So:   d_good ← ,3 1 2 ⍉  5 3 4 ⍴ d_bad                           
   My experience has shown that if there are missing data, just fill out the   
   cell with the average (or expected average), and you will get the "big      
   picture".  One way to test this is analyze some the replicates separately.  
   The results should pretty much compare.  Truly significant factors should   
   remain significant.                                                         
 AnovaPool:   it sometimes helps to bunch some of the factors or interactions  
              that have small F-ratios (large ⍺) into the error pool.          
                  pns ← ns   AnovaPool   number_or_letters                     
 R      a vector of 6 nulls with one of the nulls replaced (trailing nulls can 
        be ignored).                                                           
 L      the namespace from the full Anova.                                     
   Result is a namespace with the variable:    Pooled_Anova_TAble              
   Right argument meanings:                                                    
        pns ← ns AnovaPool ABB {⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬}    ⍝ pool All But the "n" Biggest   
                                                     mean squares              
        pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ MMS {⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬}    ⍝ pool factors/interactions with 
                                                     a mean square < Minimum   
                                                     Mean Square               
        pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ FR {⍬ ⍬ ⍬}     ⍝ pool F_ratios smaller than FR  
        pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ IL {⍬ ⍬}     ⍝ pool Interaction Levels IL and 
                                                     higher.  ABD ≡ 3rd level  
        pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ AL {⍬}     ⍝ pool factors with an alpha ≥ AL
        pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ SI       ⍝ pool factors that include these
                                                     letters.  if SI ≡ BD then 
   for example:  pns ← ns AnovaPool 6             would pool all but the 6     
                                                  biggest mean squares.        
                 pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ 2.3       would pool all F-ratios less 
                                                  than 2.3                     
                 pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ 4       would pool all 4, 5, 6...-way
                 pns ← ns AnovaPool ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ ⍬ BD  5 way Anova:  BD would pool  
                                                  B D                          
                                                  AB AD BC BD BE CD DE ABC ABD 
                                                  ABE ACD ADE BCD BCE BDE CDE  
                                                  ABCD ABCE ABDE ACDE BCDE     
                                                  In a 5-way Anova (with       
                                                  replicates) there are 31     
                                                  interactions: +/5 10 10 5 1  
 AutoCorr       find cyclical behavior                                         
                   ac ← AutoCorr x                                             
   Argument:     x:      a vector of numbers.                                  
   Result:      ac:      a string of correllation coefficients of the x vector 
                         with itself shifted over one step at a time.          
 CorrelationMatrix    the Pearson Correlation between all variables            
                   cm ← CorrelationMatrix   vov                                
   Argument:   vov:  a  vector_○f_data_vectors all of the same length          
   Result:     cm:   a matrix of the correlation coefficient between each pair 
                     of variables.  The matrix is symetrical about the diagonal
 CrossCorr      determine a "time" shift between two variables                 
                   cc ← CrossCorr  x y                                         
   Arguments:  x y:   two vectors of equal length.                             
   Result:     cc:    a string of correlation coefficients between the x vector
                      and the y vector where succeeding values are dropped from
                      the end of x and the beginning of y.  A "bump" would     
                      indicate a correlation shifted in "time" where y lags x. 
                      Switching x and y would indicate x lagging y.            
 CrossTabs      Chi-Square analysis of two "catagorical" vectors.              
                    ns ← CrossTabs  v w                                        
   Arguments:  v w:  two vectors of the same length of "categorical" data.     
                     The variables a usualy coded to match the responses to    
                     questionaires or otherwise counted data.                  
                     v could be political party and w could be religion asked  
                     of a group of people.  v might be coded: 1=Jewish,        
                     2=Catholic, 3=Muslim, 4=Morman, etc.  w might be coded:   
                     1=Democratic, 2=Republican, 3=Independent, 4=Communist....
                     A matrix is formed that would have the count for each     
                     pair of options.  The rows will be religion; the columns  
                     will be party.                                            
                     99 is interpreted as Missing and the data are uncounted.  
                     ¯1 is interpreted as deliberately unanswered and excluded 
                     from the Chi-Square calculation.                          
                     The question would then be: is the distribution of party  
                     the same for all religions.  Row and column totals and    
                     the grand total of the cells are calculated.  Each cell   
                     value, if everything is "as expected", would be its row   
                     total times its column total divided by the grand total.  
                     The square of the sum of the deviations of cell values    
                     from their expected values is a Chi-Square statistic with 
                     degrees-of-freedom being one less than the number of      
                     active cells.  Chi-Square =1 : totally expected pattern   
                                               =0 : unlikely pattern           
   Result:   a namespace with the variables:                                   
                     CT_ChiSquare_DOF  CT_Alpha  CT_Cell_Counts  CT_Deltas     
                     CT_RowPercents  CT_ColumnPercents  CT_Overall_Percents    
 Descrete Fourier Transforms                                                   
       there are four functions: DFT FFT IDFT and IFFT                         
       They all take a vector as an argument and all deliver two things:       
             the expected output:  for DFT and FFT -- a complex vector         
                                   for IDFT and IFFT -- a realvector           
                                   a name space with: ComplexVector  Real Imag 
                                     Power  Phase and R_I_Matrix               
                                     where the real and imaginary values <1E¯9 
                                     have been forced to zero (usually created 
                                     by round-off error.                       
      cvector ns  ←  DFT  x       (x is a real vector, usually a time series)  
              The DFT is by the raw definition of a discrete transform and is  
              of order n-squared.   That means slow for long x vectors >4000.  
              The x vector can be of any length (an advantage).                
      cvector ns  ←  FFT  x  (x is a real vector, usually a time series)       
              The Fast Forier Transform is of order n log n.  Much faster.     
              The length of the x vector should be a power of 2.  If it isn"t, 
              it is padded to the next power with zeros.                       
      rvector ns  ← IDFT  c  (c: a complex vector, usually the output of a DFT)
              The IDFT is by the raw definition of a inverse discrete transform
               and is of order n-squared.   That means slow for long x vectors:
               >4000.  The c vector can be of any length (an advantage).       
      rvector ns  ← IFFT  c  (c: a complex vector, usually the output of a FFT)
              The Fast Inverse Transform is of order n log n.  Much faster.    
              The length of the x vector should be a power of 2.  If it isn"t, 
              it is padded to the next power with zeros.                       
       You should expect  (⊃ IDFT ⊂ DFT x) to equal x to within round-off      
                     and  (⊃ IFFT ⊂ FFT x) to equal x to within round-off      
       If the padding is almost equal to the length of the data, the salient   
       features of the power spectrum are pretty much the same when the actual 
       number of frequencies in x are few.                                     
       Random noise of 100% of the "pure" signal leaves the bigger frequency   
       bins recognizable!                                                      
 LeadLag       line up the positions of sequelnced data                        
              vov  ←  LeadLag  vov updown {fill {cut_bottom {cut_top}}}        
   There are times when data are a function of time, that you need             
   to "line stuff up".   Rainfall and river level for example.  The            
   river sizes at a later time than when the rain fell.   What you             
   order actually arrives later.  Some materials need to be ordered            
   before others to have everyting ready for the construction job.             
   Early decision college offers might be accepted earlier than                
   regular offers.                                                             
   Input:   related set (vector) of variables, (all the same length)           
            an equal size vector of how much each variable should be           
                 lifted (+) or pushed down (-) or left alone (0)               
            what the "fill" value should be: "L" last value before             
                 the fill or "Z" zero fill or "B" for blank (character         
                 data) or a number (which could be 0).  Default=0.             
            should the bottom of all variables be lopped off below the         
                 bottom of the biggest "lifted" variable (1) or not (0)        
                 Defaulted to 1.                                               
            should the top of all variables be lopped off down to the          
                 top of the biggest "pushed down" variable (1) or not (0)      
                 Defaulted to 1.                                               
   OutPut:  the shifted input data                                             
 ModelChebyshev    make a series of Chebyshev polynomials                      
             vop  ←  ModelChebyshev  nd order                                  
   Input:      nd:  the number of data points for each polynomial              
            order:  how many polynomials                                       
   OutPut:  a vecctor of polynomials of increasing order                       
       the advantage of these polynomials is that they are scaled ¯1 to 1 and  
       most significantly they are orthogonal. I.e., their correlation matrix  
       is the identity matrix.  Thus they can be used to do regressions safely 
       and the coefficients can be interpreted as slope, bend, wiggle, etc.    
 ModelQuadratic    make every order 2 (squares and cross-products) out of vov  
             qvov names  ←  ModelQuadratic vov                                 
   Input:     vov:  a vector of data vectors                                   
   Output:   qvov:  a vector of the squares and cross-products of the input.   
            names:  identifiers for the qvov:  A B C D...AA BB...AB AC...BC....
       qvov ≡  the original vectors, followed by their squares, followed by    
               all of the unique cross prodlucts, in logical order             
 PrincipalComponents      one orthogonalization of data                        
             ns  ←  PrincipleComponents  data                                  
   Input:  data:  a vector of vectors (padded with zeros to be of equal length)
            or    a matrix with variables as columns                           
   Output:   ns:  a namespace with:                                            
        PCOMP_Table -- the entire picture of the analysis as text              
     parts of that table  but as numbers                                       
        PCOMP_Components -- columns in order of explained variance (numerical) 
                            indicating the "importance" of each data variable  
                            in that component                                  
        PCOMP_Percent -- variance explained by each component                  
        PCOMP_CumulativePercent -- cum.% variance explained by each component  
        PCOMP_EigenValues -- pivots generating the component matrix ("impact") 
        PCOMP_factors -- the data expressed as "factors".  The "regression" of 
                         each data vector with the Components as coefficients  
                         or weightings.                                        
        PCOMP_FactorsSorted --Each factor sorted.  Indicates which data        
                                  observations had the greatest impact.        
        PCOMP_FactorCovarianceMatrix -- cross-product of the factors           
        PCOMP_DataCorrelationMatrix -- correlations of the data                
 RegressChebyshev         regression using orthogonal Chebyshev variables      
            ns ← {var_names} RegressChebyshev y x order                        
   Inputs:  right:     y:  the dependent (response) variable (Y)               
                       x:  the independent (X) variable                        
                   order:  the highest power Chebyshev polynomial              
            left:  variable names for Y and X.  Defaults to "Y" and "X".       
   Output:  a namespace with the Forsythe regression namespace, and the results
            of the Chebyshev regression                                        
      Because a Chebyshev regression requires the X values to be at particuarly
      located positions, The data are first regressed with Forlsythe Orthogonal
      polynomials (orthogonality insures that the regression will not fail).   
      That regression is then used to calculate Y values at the Chebyshev X    
      values.  Then the C_Y and C_polynomials (based on C_X) can be computed.  
      The underlying statistics and Anova are those of the Forsythye regression
      The reason for doing the Chebyshev regression is that the coefficients   
      are interpretable. The first C_coefficient is the average of C_Y (not Y).
      The second coefficient is the tilt or slope of the data.  The third is   
      the parabolic bend to the data.  The fourth is the "cubic" wiggle.  etc. 
      Given that Chebyshev polynomials have maximum amplitudes of +-1, you get 
      a glimpse of the "shape" of your Y data.  Thus it is easy to compare sets
      of Y data.                                                               
      Things contained in the output namespace:                                
          Results of the Fourier Regression:  its output namespace: Fourier_ns 
            as well as some extracted info:                                    
              F_Yhat  F_Statistics  F_Residuals  F_ResultTable  F_AnovaTAble   
              F_ResidualsTable F_DigitsLost (due to regression: usually 0)     
          Results of the Chebyshev regression:                                 
              C_Coefficients  C_X  C_Y  C_Yhat  C_Residuals  C_DigitsLost      
              and the ChebyshevPolynomials                                     
 RegressForsythe     an orthogonal regression                                  
            ns ← {var_names} RegressForsythev y x order                        
   Inputs:  right:                                                             
                       y:  the dependent (response) variable (Y)               
                       x:  the independent (X) variable                        
                   order:  the highest power Chebyshev polynomial              
                   variable names for Y and X.  Defaults to "Y" and "X".       
   Output:  a namespace with Forsythe regression results:                      
      Because the Forsythe polynomials are orthogonal, there is no loss of     
      accuracy in the solution due to inter-correlation of the "X" variables as
      there is with a straight polynomial regression.                          
      The name space includes:                                                 
           X  Y  Yhat  Coefficients  Results  AnovaTable  Statistics           
           Residuals  ResidualsTable                                           
           ForsythePolynomialsOnX  ForsytheCoeffs                              
 RegressFourier      a regression using sines and cosines                      
            ns ← {var_names} RegressFourier y x order                          
   Inputs:  right:     y:  the dependent (response) variable (Y)               
                       x:  the independent (X) variable                        
                   order:  the number of (sine and cosine) terms               
            left:  names for Y and X.  Defaults to "Y" and "X".                
   Output:  a namespace with Fourier regression results:                       
              Names X  Y  Yhat  Residuals  ResidualsTable                      
              AnovaTable  Results  Statistics  DigitsLost                      
              FourierXmatrix:  columns:  1  Sine Cosine S C S C ...            
              Coefficients:    constant sine cos sin cos ...                   
 RegressMultipleLinear      standard regression (not done as y⌹x)              
            ns  ←  (var_names) RegressMultipleLinear y vov                     
   Inputs:  right:     y:  the dependent (response) variable (Y)               
                     vov:  the independent (X) variables (vectors)             
            left:  names for Y and Xs.  Defaults to "Y" and "X1" "X2" "X3" ... 
   Output:  a namespace with regression results:                               
              Xmatrix  Y  Yhat  Residuals  ResidualsTable                      
              AnovaTable  Results  Statistics  DigitsLost  ConditionNumber     
              Coefficients  Coefs_byQuadDivide  X_names  Y_name                
              Max_Covariance  X_CorrelationMatrix                              
         If you are working on a 16 digit platform, 16-DigitsLost is about how 
         many reliable digits there are in the coefficients.  If that is less  
         3, I wouldn"t trust the results (due to correlation between the Xs).  
 RegressPolynomial      standard regression on powers of x (not done as y⌹x)   
            ns  ←  (var_names) RegressPolynomial y x                           
   Inputs:  right:     y:  the dependent (response) variable (Y)               
                       x:  the independent (X) variable                        
            left:  names for Y and Xs.  Defaults to "Y" and "X1" "X2" "X3" ... 
   Output:  a namespace with regression results:                               
              Xmatrix  X  Y  Yhat  Residuals  ResidualsTable                   
              AnovaTable  Results  Statistics  DigitsLost  ConditionNumber     
              Coefficients  Coefs_byQuadDivide  X_names  Y_name                
              Max_Covariance  X_CorrelationMatrix                              
         If you are working on a 16 digit platform, 16-DigitsLost is about how 
         many reliable digits there are in the coefficients.  If that is less  
         3, I wouldn"t trust the results (due to correlation between the Xs).  
 SimultaneousEquations        solve a set of linear algebraic equations        
                 soln_vector  digits_lost  ←  SimultaneousEquations Amat Rhs   
   Inputs:  Amat -- the coefficients matrix                                    
             Rhs -- the right hand side                                        
   The solutions is not done by:  Rhs ⌹ Amat , but rather in a manner that     
   checks the pivots to estimate digit_lost.   When working on a 16 digit      
   platform, 16-digits_lost is about how many reliable digits there are in the 
   solution.  If this falls below 3, I wouldn"t trust the results at all.      
 Statistics           get means, std.dev, etc for a set of x vectors           
               ns  ←  {names}  Statistics  vov                                 
   Input:      vov:  a vector of variable vectors.                             
             names:  optional names for the variables                          
   Output:   ns:  a namespace containing:                                      
                  StatisticsTable  Data_vov                                    
                  DataMatrix (padded with zeros if necessary)                  
                  CorrelationMatrix (of DataMatrix)                            
                  and all of the measures in the table individually numerical  
                      vectors, just in case you want to use them.              
                  Statistics table lists for each variable:                    
                      IndesCount  Average  Min  Max  Std_dev  Skew  Kurtosis   
                      Coefficient_of_variation  %_=_0  %_near_0  {name}        
 StepWiseAll       multiple linear regression all allowable variables per step 
            ns  ←  {yxnames}  StepWiseAll  y  vox  fi  fo (starting_indecies)  
   Inputs:      y:  the dependent variable to be fitted with x                 
              vox:  a vector of the independent variables                      
               fi:  the lower limit of Fratio among the "out" variables that   
                    will determine it they are allowed "in".                   
               fo:  the Fratio limit below which an "in" variable will be      
                    kicked out.                                                
               si:  The indecies of x variables that are initially "in" the    
                    regression.  This can include any legitimate index,        
                    including ⍬ and all of them.                               
          yxnames:  a vector of optional variable names starting with the Y    
                    variable.  It must have 1+#_of_X_variables text names.     
   Output:  ns:  a namespace containing for the final regression:              
                     AnovaTable            distribution of sums_of_squares     
                     Coefficients          not done by y⌹x                     
                     Results               stats for each variable             
                     DigitsLost            on a 16 digit platform 16-DL <3 or 4
                                           is worrisome                        
                     In_Indecies  Out_Indecies                                 
                     In_Names  Out_Names                                       
                     Y_name     X_names                                        
                     Statistics            including residuals analyses        
                     Xmatrix  Y  Yhat                                          
                     Residuals             (Y-Yhat)                            
                     X_CorrelationMatrix   of the "in"s                        
                 and for the process:                                          
                     InOut_path            what happened at each step          
                     In_Table              statistics for each step regression 
                     Out_Table             statistics for each step regression 
                     progress              the Fratios along the way           
                     NsIn   NsOut          the last step"s regression info     
      If you believe that the regression should include a constant, one of the 
      x variables (usually the first) should be all ones.                      
      This regression process is iterative.  At each pass a regression is done 
      on the "in" variables and on the "out" variables.  This provides Fratios 
      that determine if any "in"s should be removed and if any "outs" should be
      added to the "in"s.  Although most of the time this is done in one pass, 
      that is not necessarilly so.  The steps taken are itemized in the output 
      namespace as the variable:  InOut_path.                                  
      All regressions are done by row reduction in order to watch the pivots   
      to measure the degree of singularity of the  process.  This is           
      particularly relevant in regressons involving correlated xs.  On a 16    
      digit platform, losing 7 or 8 digits leaves answers good to 9 or 8       
      digits.  Losing more than 13 means that you probably can"t believe the   
      results at all.                                                          
 StepWiseOne       multiple linear regression only one variable at a time      
            ns  ←  {yxnames}  StepWiseOne  y  vox  fi  fo (starting_indecies)  
 StepWiseAll       multiple linear regression allowable steps at a time        
            ns  ←  {yxnames}  StepWiseAll  y  vox  fi  fo (starting_indecies)  
   Inputs:      y:  the dependent variable to be fitted with x                 
              vox:  a vector of the independent variables                      
               fi:  the lower limit of Fratio among the "out" variables that   
                    will determine it they are allowed "in".                   
               fo:  the Fratio limit below which an "in" variable will be      
                    kicked out.                                                
               si:  The indecies of x variables that are initially "in" the    
                    regression.  This can include any legitimate index,        
                    including ⍬ and all of them.                               
          yxnames:  a vector of optional variable names starting with the Y    
                    variable.  It must have 1+#_of_X_variables text names.     
   Output:  ns:  a namespace containing for the final regression:              
                     AnovaTable            distribution of sums_of_squares     
                     Coefficients          not done by y⌹x                     
                     Results               stats for each variable             
                     DigitsLost            on a 16 digit platform 16-DL <3 or 4
                                           is worrisome                        
                     In_Indecies  Out_Indecies                                 
                     In_Names  Out_Names                                       
                     Y_name     X_names                                        
                     Statistics            including residuals analyses        
                     Xmatrix  Y  Yhat                                          
                     Residuals             (Y-Yhat)                            
                     X_CorrelationMatrix   of the "in"s                        
                 and for the process:                                          
                     InOut_path            what happened at each step          
                     In_Table              statistics for each step regression 
                     Out_Table             statistics for each step regression 
                     progress              the Fratios along the way           
                     NsIn   NsOut          the last step"s regression info     
      If you believe that the regression should include a constant, one of the 
      x variables (usually the first) should be all ones.                      
      This regression process is iterative.  At each pass a regression is done 
      on the "in" variables and on the "out" variables.  This provides Fratios 
      that determine if any "in"s should be removed and if any "outs" should be
      added to the "in"s.  First one out→in variable will be chosen if one is  
      available.  When all "out"s can"t get in, one "in" variable is selected  
      if available.  When no variable can move the process stops.  The steps   
       taken are itemized in the output namespace as the variable:  InOut_path 
      All regressions are done by row reduction in order to watch the pivots   
      to measure the degree of singularity of the  process.  This is           
      particularly relevant in regressons involving correlated xs.  On a 16    
      digit platform, losing 7 or 8 digits leaves answers good to 9 or 8       
      digits.  Losing more than 13 means that you probably can"t believe the   
      results at all.                                                          
 TukeyWindow      "round off" the ends of a vector                             
                  wv  ←  {window_width}  TukeyWindow  v                        
   Inputs:       v:  a reasonably long vector                                  
               w_w:  optionally the fraction of the data effected at each end. 
                     Defaults to .25; affecting a quarter of the input vector  
                     on each end.                                              
   Output:      wv:  the windowed vector.                                      
          v is usually a sound signal: music, speech, an accustic event or     
          noise recording                                                      
          Apply the original Tukey-Interim-Window.  This is "cosine" rounding  
          at each end of a time string to improve the apparent power spectrum  
          and Fourier Transform (DFT and FFT).  Sharp "edges" cause spurious   
          harmonics in the FFT, and this is supposed to reduce that problem.   
     cosine: goes 1 to ¯1  <::>  1-cos  goes 0 to 2  <::>  ÷ by 2  goes 0 to 1 
                              *                 *                              
                           *                       *                           
                          *                         *                          
                         *                           *                         
                      *                                 *                      
                ****                                       ****                

 Distrib      a namespace with functions that calculate various distributions. 
             P p :: the cumulative probability (integral from the left (1-⍺)   
             A ⍺ :: the tail probability (integral to the right)      (1-p)    
             C c :: critical ChiSquare                                         
             D d :: degrees of freedom:   DOF  (for F_ratio: denominator DOF)  
             N n :: degrees of freedom:   numerator DOF for F_ratio            
             F f :: critical F_ratio                                           
          big letter ≡ return  ⋄  little letters ≡ RighttHandArg               
 Normal:    ⍺ ← Normal_A     x      you give it x, it returns ⍺ (tail beyond x)
            p ← Normal_P     x      returns integral up to x                   
            y ← Normal_y     x      the ordinate of the normal curve at x      
            x ← Normal_Xa    ⍺      returns the x for that ⍺                   
            x ← Normal_Xp    p      returns the x for that cumulative dist.    
 student t: ⍺ ← Student_A    t dof  return ⍺ for a given t and deg_of_freedom  
            p ← Student_P    t dof  return p   the most common usage           
            ⍺ ← Student_Atd  t dof  return ⍺   same as Student_A but consistant
            p ← Student_Ptd  t dof  return p                                   
            t ← Student_Tad  ⍺ dof  return t                                   
            t ← Student_Tpd  p dof  return t                                   
            d ← Student_Dta  t ⍺    return Degrees_Of_Freedom  (DOF)           
            d ← Student_Dtp  t p    return DOF                                 
 ChiSquare: ⍺ ← ChiSq_A      c dof  given ChiSq and DOF return alpha           
            p ← ChiSq_P      c dof  given ChiSq and DOF return p (cum. dist.)  
            ⍺ ← ChiSq_Acd    c dof  given ChiSq and DOF return alpha           
            p ← ChiSq_Pcd    c p    given ChiSq and DOF return p               
            c ← ChiSq_Cad    ⍺ dof  given ⍺ and dof return critical ChiSquare  
            c ← ChiSq_Cpd    p dof  given cum.dist. return critical ChiSquare  
            d ← ChiSq_Dca    c ⍺    given ChiSq and ⍺ return DOF               
            d ← ChiSq_Dcp    c p    given ChiSq and p return DOF               
            ? ← ChiSq_CAD    c ⍺ d  substitute one of inputs with ⍬, get that  
                                    c ← ChiSq_CAD ⍬ ⍺ d                        
                                    ⍺ ← ChiSq_CAD c ⍬ d                        
                                    d ← ChiSq_CAD c ⍺     or C ⍺ ⍬             
            ? ← ChiSq_CPD    c p d  substitute one of inputs with ⍬, get that  
 F_ratio    ⍺ ← Fratio_A     F n d  return ⍺    the most common usage          
            p ← Fratio_P     F n d  return p    "                              
            ⍺ ← Fratio_Afnd  F n d  return ⍺    same as Fratio_A but consistant
            p ← Fratio_Pfnd  F n d  return p                                   
            f ← Fratio_Fand  ⍺ n d  return critical F_ratio                    
            f ← Fratio_Fpnd  p n d  return critical F_ratio                    
            n ← Fratio_Nfad  f ⍺ d  return critical F_ratio                    
            n ← Fratio_Nfpd  f p d  return critical F_ratio                    
            d ← Fratio_Dfan  f ⍺ d  return critical F_ratio                    
            d ← Fratio_Dfpn  f p n  return critical F_ratio                    
            ? ← Fratio_FAND  f ⍺ n d  subst. 1 arg. with ⍬, get that one       
            ? ← Fratio_FPND  f p n d  subst. 1 arg. with ⍬, get that one
 Dutils    a namespace with functions used by the statistical and distribution  
           functions.  Not particularly for general use (but not worthless).