
Whether you're a data scientist streamlining workflows or an educator teaching the basics of AI, Tensor Tiles brings machine learning to your fingertips, making it accessible, fast, and efficient.

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Imagine building complex machine learning models as easily as playing with building blocks. alt text Meet Tensor Tiles—an innovative application that lets you create, train, and deploy ML models with simple drag-and-drop blocks and an intuitive UI. No more wrestling with code or complicated equations. Whether you're a data scientist streamlining workflows or an educator teaching the basics of AI, Tensor Tiles brings machine learning to your fingertips, making it accessible, fast, and efficient. Don't just dream of a future powered by machine learning—build it today with Tensor Tiles.


Step 1:

To start select a model and dataset. alt text

Make sure to pick a datset and model that match!

Step 2:

Next if you selected Random Forest or Linear Regression you can choose your hyperparamater values. alt textalt text

If instead you selected CNN you can choose values for your hyperparameters and for each block, then drag-and-drop them into place!

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Step 3:

Train you model: Just click run!

training can take a while so be patient, your model is training.

Step 4:

Upload an image or enter text to get insight from your model. Alt text

Step 5:

Expirement, machine learning requires a lot of testing to see what works so don't settle for the first training run!