Business Solution Console Apps for Elevent Fifty Academy Software Development Gold Badge Challenges
Collection of console apps produced using C# in visual studio. Apps all utilize CRUD method to edit a repo to complete outlined goals of each challenge. Each app is organized into a class library with classes and a repo to organize the objects neccesary to complete the challenge, unit test projects to test all CRUD methods employed in the project and a console app project with all UI code.
Open the GoldBadgeChallenges Solution in Microsoft Visual Studio and each project is organized into a Class Library Project, a Unit Test Project, and a Console App.
App provides a way for fictional company to gather data about hybrid, electric and gas cars. Maintains a repo of all cars, their type and information about each car allowing eventual comparison of car options. Utilizes classes, class inheritence and casting class types to accomplish the magic under the hood. Full CRUD is available for the repo as well as reporting.
App provides a way for events team at a ficticious company to organize cost for company outings. Tracks attendance and costs for events, and provides information about the cost per attendee. Also available is a reporting function that breaks down company spending by the type of activity and the total cost for the year. Automatically organizes the information by date for easy viewing.
App uses a dictionary to organize a dictionary of of badge objects by a unique Badge ID # paired with a list of doors that the badge can access Console allows the user to view all badges as well as the doors associated with them as well as make changes to the badges and which doors they have access to.
Utilizing a queue to present an agent with the oldest claim in the system, allow them to process that claim or put it back into the queue. Also allows the addition of new claim objects to the queue and stores all pertinent information about the claim for processing.
App organizes a list of past, present, and potential customers for fictional company. Automatically assigns the text of an email greeting to send to customer based on their customer status. User can add, remove, edit and view all customers currently in the database.
App maintains a list of menu items for a cafe menu system. Allows manager to edit the ingredients, price, meal number and description for each item, as well as adding and deleting items.
If you'd like to contact me to discuss this work or any other work I'd love to connect via LinkedIn