Project Creation

Project Initiation

First you will need to initialize/create the application. Create the directory where you would like this to live. Once you are in your new directory:

Global Creation

  1. install express generator npm i express-generator -g
    • This sets it globally, only need to run once on your computer
    • This will only need to be done once on your machine

Project Framework

  1. Start your project express "project-name-here" --view=ejs
    • Express will create the framework / skeleton of your project
    • The package.json file will have dependencies list but will not install the dependencies
  2. cd into the project directory
  3. Run npm i
    • Node will initiate the project and download dependencies
  4. Run code .
    • This will open VS Code
  5. BONUS
    • ./bin/www line 28, add

      console.log("Server is live on port " + port)

    • This will give you a message in terminal when you start your server
  6. Run nodemon
    • This will start your project

Verify Creation

  1. Open your internet browser and go to localhost 3000
    • You should be presented with a page saying "Express Welcome to Express"
    • Your project has started successfully

Remove Code that you do not intend to use

This project will ultimately be an API backend and will not need a View Engine.Therefore will not be using EJS in this project.

  1. Comment or delete out lines:
    • 3

      var path = require('path');

    • 12, 13, 14

      // view engine setup

      app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));

      app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

    • 20

      app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

  2. Remove file paths:
    • ./public
    • ./views
  3. Run npm uninstall ejs
    • This will uninstall EJS from your project
  4. Verify view engine removed
    • Attempt to go to localhost 3000
    • Should receive an error in the browser
  5. Change the index.js from render to JSON
    • Line 6

      res.json({ index:"This is the index path" });

    • Route will show as a JSON now
    • do for all res.render (no longer can render without view engine)
  6. Change var to const
    • var is less proper and adjustable
    • const means it cannot be changed


At this point we will be adding the db to our project. This project will be using Mongo db


  1. Run npm i mongoose
    • Node will install Mongoose

Create Routers

  1. Inside of ./routes
    • Create a folder called users
    • Drag users.js into ./routes/users
    • rename users.js to usersRouter.js
    • inside ./routes/users create 2 new folders
      • controller
      • model

Create Model

Install Mongo DB

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
	.then(() => {
		console.log("MONGODB CONNECTED");
	.catch((e) => {