Automatically track how you are spending your time by watching the file system
- AdrienPensartOVH
- analphagamma
- andantonyan
- axlrose
- benhjCambridge
- BoldewynKinetiqa
- britton-jb@QuotaSignal
- caiopo@nubank
- csaf4370
- dhomanDenver, CO
- dugagjin@ShaypHQ
- freekngdom
- goodcodedev
- ItsSuzie
- jlapaixFlorida
- johnteeeTaipei
- jq-rs
- koeikim@sonatus
- LooMaclinRust
- luciorubeensBrazil
- mastilverLondon, UK
- Oisann@is-hockey
- Oliver2213
- orociic
- ReplayattackSofka Technologies
- starkersLondon, UK
- sverclMinnesnowta
- tavurthToptal
- tcr@tessel, @facebook, more
- tommilligan@reinfer, acquired by @UiPath
- valpackettArgentina ⭐⭐⭐
- vkatariya8
- wagoodman@anchore
- wezm@yeslogic
- yaahcFuturewei Technologies
- yamafaktoryinto the wild