
A substrate runtime that demonstrates loosely coupled modules

Primary LanguageRust


An SRML-based Substrate node, that demonstrates loosely-coupled SRML modules.

Runtime Structure

The runtime is composed of a few default modules, a marketplace module that allows users to post items for sale, buy those items, and leave feedback for each other. The marketplace module depends on a reputation system via the Reputation trait. This repository also provides two implementations of that trait known as "Simple Feedback" and "Beta Feedback". These implementations are based on A Quantitative Comparison of Reputation Systems in the Grid.


This project may illustrate several useful aspects of Substrate runtime development, but it is intended to primarily demonstrate how to couple runtime modules through traits. To master these topics I encourage you to try these exercises.

  1. Replace Simple Feedback with Beta Feedback
  2. Write your own implementation of the Feedback trait
  3. Make Marketplace depend on some notion of Currency to actually pay for purchases.

Getting Started

Build the Node

# Install Rust
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

# Change to node directory
cd node

# Install required tools:

# Build the node binary
cargo build --release

Launch a Chain

You can start a development chain with

cargo run --release -- purge-chain --dev
cargo run --release -- --dev

This is a Substrate-based chain, so you can learn much more about starting chains at the Substrate Developer Hub.

Launch the User Interface

# Change to ui directory
cd ../ui

# Install dependencies

# Start UI
yarn start

Then navigate to localhost:3000 in your favorite browser.