
Sketch for sending raw mpu5060 data over serial

Primary LanguageC++

arduino-raw-mpu5060 - Simple sketch to send raw MPU6050 data over serial

What this does

It will repeatedly send accelerometer and gyro data over a serial connection in the form [<gyroX,<gyroY>,<gyroZ>,<accX>,<accY>,<accZ>]. It has does no proscessing of the data other than converting the gyro data into deg/s and the acc data into gs. It does NOT ever use the onboard dmp of the mpu.


  • MPU VCC and arduino 3.3v
  • MPU GND and arduino Gnd
  • MPU SDA and arduino SDA pin (on nanos this is A4)
  • MPU SCL and arduino SCL pin (on nanos this is A5)

Why no complex features?

This is so that all the processing, filtering, and calibration can be done in you prefered language instead of on the arduino (I am personally not very good at making arduinos do what I want :))