All-in-one FTP client library for Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


JFTP is an FTP client library that combines the two most well-known FTP libraries to create an all-in-one, simple, way to connect to FTP servers in Java.

The main goal of JFTP is to give you a way to create and interact with FTP connections, regardless of protocol, with relative ease.


JFTP has the ability to:

  • Connect to FTP, FTPS and SFTP servers
  • Navigate directories relative to the FTP user on the server
  • Download files to a given local directory
  • Upload files to a given remote directory
  • List all files and directories for a given folder (or current folder) on the server

What is isn't

JFTP is not a comprehensive solution to current FTP libraries. It was designed with the sole purpose of being a small and simple to use library that gives nothing other than basic FTP functionality. The FTP client is set to always use a PASSIVE connection, and the SFTP client is set to always check on passwords over SSH keys.

Quick FTP Example

Client client = new ClientFactory().createClient(ClientType.FTP); 
// or new FtpClient(); new SftpClient(); new FtpsClient()

client.setCredentials(new UserCredentials("username", "password"));

Connection connection = client.connect();
List<FtpFile> remoteFiles = connection.listFiles();
for (FtpFile file : remoteFiles)
    connection.download(file, "local/file/directory");

Thanks to:

JSch http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/

Commons Net FTP: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-net/