
Penn Labs back-end challenge in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

Penn Labs Server Challenge

To Run

  1. To run this project, first run $ pipenv install flask-sqlalchemy to initialize flask-sqlalchemy.
  2. Next, run $ pipenv run python index.py
  3. Demo user has username jen and password P3nnLabs!, enjoy!

Features / Functionality

  1. Utilize a SQL database for data management and persistent storage.
    • Database contains two tables, a 'clubs' table and a 'users' table for user and club objects.
    • Users table contains a username, hashed password, and list of favorited clubs.
    • Clubs table contains a club name, tags, description, and number of "favorites".
  2. Implementation of user sessions
    • User registration, login, and logout features all fully functional and consistent with maintaining unique user sessions.
    • Only users that are logged in are able to 'favorite' a club
  3. API Features fully functional
    • /api/clubs GET Returns a JSON of all of the attributes of every club
    • /api/clubs POST Allows for the addition of new clubs. Navigate to localhost:5000/club_form to test out the submission of a new club with tags via a dynamic form. Click on individual tags to remove them.
    • /api/user/<username> GET returns a JSON of the specified user
    • (NO LONGER WORKS) [] /api/favorite POST allows for a user to favorite a club if not done before. Test this out by logging in and favoriting a club. Try doing so with multiple accounts
  4. Scraping
    • All web-scraping functions work, and add unique clubs to the database upon first initialization of the application.
  5. Frontend
    • Developed a basic Bootstrap frontend to test functionality: registration, login, logout, club-homepage, favoriting clubs, adding new clubs
  6. Modification of user and club objects.
    • While not explicitly written into frontend functionality, through the modify function in db_func.py a user or club object can have any value (bar the unique ID) modified.
  7. Use of JavaScript, JQuery, and AJAX to update values
    • The dynamic club-form requires AJAX and JQuery to send a POST-request to the new club information to the server.
    • Favoriting clubs also uses AJAX POST-request methods.
    • See the static folder for JS, AJAX, and JQuery files