
Treat SQL statements like objects, and construct them more cleanly

Primary LanguagePHP


Making statement preparation easier to build. Only designed to return strings.

It is your responsibility to actually execute the returned SQL string


  1. throw files in a folder
  2. require_once( 'path/to/folder/SQL.php');
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

##Code examples

SQL::select( "EMP_PK")
  ->select( 'EMP_Admin' )
  ->select( SQL::select( 'COUNT( EML_PK )' )
    ->from( 'Emails' )
    ->where( 'EMP_PK = EML_EMP_FK' )
    ->select_as( 'NEW_EMAIL' )
  ->from( "Employees" )
  ->join( 'Tickets' )
    ->on( 'TIC_EMP_FK = TIC_PK' )
  ->left_join( 'Emails' )
    ->on( 'EML_EMP_FK = EMP_PK' )
    ->on( 'EML_Sent <> 1' )
  ->where( 'EMP_PK = 44' )
  ->where( 'PRI_PK = 1' )
  ->where( 'TIC_Closed <> 1' )
  ->order_by( 'TIC_PK DESC' )
  ->order_by( 'TIC_PRI_FK ASC' )
  ->group_by( 'EMP_Admin' )
  ->group_by( 'EMP_PasswordHash' )
SQL::insert( 'TIC_PK' )
  ->into( 'Tickets' )
  ->values( 44 )
SQL::update( "Tickets" )
  ->set( 'TIC_Closed = 1' )
  ->set( 'TIC_CloseDate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' )
  ->where( 'TIC_PK < 55' )
  ->where( 'TIC_PK = 660' )
  ->from( 'Employees' )
  ->where( 'EMP_Admin <> 1' )