
Problem Definition We want to design a system that can tell us the distance between our location and some other locations which we expect to be supplied to us. Task We need to design a RESTful API that can collect the information on the different locations for us and also determine the distance between the locations and a configurable location that can be changed or supplied. The formula for calculating the distance between two points can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance. Data Model Define a set of data models that include A location entity with at least the following structure, you can add more to it at your discretion Id Location name Description Website (Optional) Phone Contact Person Coordinates You can make use of any database but we recommend PostgreSQL. Rest API The following RESTful API must be implemented ● Create a new location ● Edit Location ● Delete Location ● Fetch All Locations ● Fetch Specific Location ● Calculate distance Deliverables A well-documented and working codebase with RESTful API that meets all requirements stated above. The codebase should be delivered via a Github repository. The repository should contain a README with at least the following Details on how to set up and start the app. Tools used. Areas you would like us to pay special attention to. If you could not finish, specify areas left undone and what you would have done to finish them. Anything else you feel we should know about e.g. if you used a design pattern that we should note.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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