
Using JavaScript, create a "date-matching" application that has the following features: Three lists containing names (Group A, Group B and Places), the list can be represented with Object or Array. The application should randomly match and produce 2 people at each refresh. The result produced should be in the format: Group A['name'] and Group B['name'] will be going on a dinner date at Places['name']. However, the program should go through the entire list in Group A before repeating names .

Primary LanguageHTML

Replit link


1..Create a number guessing game to generate a number between the range of 1 and 2. The game should prompt users for their username (saved in cookie). Set range as function parameter and prompt the player to predict the generated number between the given range, at a correct guess, the game should award the player a point (also saved in cookie), and move them to stage 2 by increasing the range limit value by 1, e.g range is from 1 and 3 for stage 2 and so on. Connect replit account to github and save your program in github.


Using JavaScript, create a "date-matching" application that has the following features: Three lists containing names (Group A, Group B and Places), the list can be represented with Object or Array. The application should randomly match and produce 2 people at each refresh. The result produced should be in the format: Group A['name'] and Group B['name'] will be going on a dinner date at Places['name']. However, the program should go through the entire list in Group A before repeating names .