Java API for Revolt, focused on Bots.

Primary LanguageJava


I do no longer use Revolt. This API should still work, but I will no longer maintain it. For now, this repository will be archived.

RJA (Revolt Java API)

RJA is a Java API for the Revolt chat platform, mostly focused on bots.

Github Release

Note: This is a work in progress and not all features are implemented yet. If you find any bugs, please open an issue.

Also, the Revolt-API may change at any time, so this API may not work anymore. Please open an issue if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.



You can download the latest version from the releases page

Replace VERSION HERE with the latest version.


    <version>[VERSION HERE]</version>

This can also be found under Packages


To create a new RJA Instance, you can use the RJABuilder.

RJABuilder builder = new RJABuilder("token"); // Replace "token" with your bot token
// do some stuff
RJA rja = builder.build();

This creates a new RJA Instance, which you can use to do stuff as your bot.

You can also modify some things before building the instance:

RJABuilder builder = ...
builder.setStatus("Test Status", UserStatus.Presence.FOCUS); // Sets the Status of the Bot to "Test Status" with "FOCUS" as presence type.
builder.doCleanStatus(true); // Resets the status of the Bot if it does not get changed at startup. It is default true. If false, the status of the bot stays as before.
builder.registerEventListener(new MyEventListener()); // Registers a new EventListener. More about EventListeners at #EventListeners or in the JavaDocs
builder.disableCaching(CachingPolicy.MEMBER); // Disables caching for the Member Cache. Every CachePolicy is enabled by default.
// More about Caching at #Caching or in the JavaDocs

But wait, there is more. After building your RJA instance you can request stuff from the API.

RJA rja = ...

User user = rja.retrieveUser("01GXTJK9Q1JZVR1NZ32CGDCDKN").complete();  // Retrieves a User by its ID.

Message message = rja.retrieveMessage("channelId", "messageId").complete(); // Retrieves a Message by the channel id and the message id.

Sending Messages

You can send Messages to every GenericChannel using GenericChannel#sendMessage or GenericChannel#sendEmbeds. Both of this Methods return a MessageAction which can be used to modify the message before sending it.
To send a private Message to a User, you can use User#openPrivateChannel to retrieve a RestAction with the DirectChannel of the User. To send messages to this DirectChannel, you can use the same methods as with GenericChannel.


EventListeners are used to handle events. You can register them with the RJABuilder#registerEventListener() method.

RJABuilder builder = new RJABuilder("token");
builder.registerEventListener(new MyEventListener());

Your EventListener class must implement the EventListener interface. To listen to a specific event, you can use the @EventHandler annotation on a method, this method requires the Event you want to listen to as parameter. The Name of the method does not matter, but it is recommended to use the name of the event.


import de.joshicodes.rja.event.EventHandler;

public class MyEventListener implements EventListener {

    public void onReady(ReadyEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Bot is ready!");
    public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Received message: " + event.getMessage().getContent());


RJA has a built-in caching system, which can be disabled for specific caches. By default, all caches are enabled. You can disable them with the RJABuilder#disableCaching(CachingPolicy...) method. If you disable a cache, you can still retrieve the data from the API, but it will not be cached and may result in a longer response time or rate limiting.


You can find some examples in src/examples


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


RJA uses Java 17. All dependencies are managed by Maven.

  • Java-Websockets

  • Gson

  • FindBugs (Used for javax.annotation)

Related Projects

See also



You are welcome to use this API in your projects, but please credit me if possible.

I am not affiliated with Revolt.chat in any way and the Revolt-API is not created by me.