Onyx has her very own home on the Internet now, and all updates to commands tables, features, and more will be posted on this website, as well as on her GitHub README file.
It includes some notable pages, which may be of important to those who wish to add Onyx to their Discord server.
Click here to visit Onyx's website.
Scrolling animations are using the amazing ScrollMagic.js library, in case you're wondering! Creating scroll animations with this library was such a great experience, and I'd recommend it for anyone who wants to add some dynamic animation to their website.
This is the experimental division, containing some new features that Onyx may have in the future. It has a slightly different UI to the rest of the website, in order to enhance its experimental feel.
Pull requests are always welcome! If you want to add more content to the website, have artwork you'd like to submit, or just want to fix something up, submit away! ^^
Just click here to invite Onyx to your server!
If you want to test Onyx out before adding her to your server, just join this server, and leave when you want. Onyx runs 24/7, so she'll always be online. :D