
gpg wrapper to easily view encrypted files

Primary LanguagePython

encview - Easily View Encrypted Files

encview is a basic 50 line python wrapper around gpg to make viewing encrypted files easier. It decrypts files to the RAM backed temporary filesystem /dev/shm, and launches the system viewer for that filetype with xdg-open. CTRL-C will then delete the decrypted file.

Ideally, the decrypted file would automatically be deleted when the viewing program is closed. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to get the PID of the launched viewer from xdg-open. If anyone's figured out how to make xdg-open block or somehow find the launched process, let me know!

Usage and Installation

This is only going to work on linux computers, but could likely be ported to OSX with minimal effort.

  • Usage: encview <filename>
  • Installation: cp encview.py /usr/local/bin/encview