
This solution contains the iterative process and automating the provisioning of a HA kubernetes cluster(EKS) with terraform

Primary LanguageHCL



The purpose of this repo is to deploy an Eks cluster to a vpc, with nodes runing in the private subnets. To successfull deploy this infrastructure you will need the following.

  • An aws account with free tier. You can follow the instructions to create an aws account here
  • A user in aws with full programatic access. when the user is created, take note of the secret and access keys, they will be used later to configure the aws cli. A proper documentation of how a user is created is stated here.
  • AWS cli installed. You can follow the instructions on how to install and set it up here
  • terraform installed. You can find the step by step guide here.
  • terraform.tfvars file to hold some values for your variables.


Clone the github repository

  git clone https://github.com/Joshua-Igoni/Plan-A-DevOps-Challenge-2-Solution


Go through the terraform files. In the "variables.tf" file, all variables that do not have a default value needs to be declared in the "terraform.tfvars" file which you will create.

create a terraform.tfvars file and input the following as it applies to you;

   aws_credentials_file = ["~/.aws/credentials"] ##path to your aws credentails file
   aws_profile = "Bolten"                        ###the name of the profile (found at ~/.aws/config)
   aws_region = "us-east-2"                      ###the region you wish to deploy your resources
   env-prefix = "EKS"                            ###to customize names given to objects in your infrastructure
   cluster_sg_name = "EKS-Plan-A-security-group" ###A customized name for your cluster sg
   nodes_sg_name = "EKS-Plan-A-sg-name"          ###A customized name for your node sg
   node_group_name = "EKS-Plan-A-node-group"     ###A customized name for your node group


After variables have been declared Its time to deploy your infrastructure Run the following commands

  terraform init
  Terraform plan
  Terraform apply --auto-approve


After infrastructure has been deployed, run the following command to destroy infrastructure, so as to aviod being charged.

  terraform destroy --auto-approve