
This repo aims at introducing Python beginners how to use Python and TensorFlow for scientific computation tasks and problems

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Python Scientific Computing Tutorial

This repo aims at introducing Python beginners how to use Python and TensorFlow for scientific computation tasks and problems.

The tutorial will be held once per week on TBD day at lunch time at Duke University, Gross Hall 3rd floor.

Outline for Tutorials

  1. Environment setup, get Python3, Jupyter and TensorFlow running on your laptop.
  2. Quick tutorial for basic Python3 programming.
  3. Introduce numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas for scientific computation, data visualization, and dataframe manipulation.
  4. Try to build learning models with TensorFlow and try out the example code.

References and Resources

https://github.com/cliburn/sta-663-2017 https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples https://lvdmaaten.github.io/tsne/