
My profile

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Hi 👋

You likely stumbled upon this profile because you investigated a pull request's author. Because this is what I am basically known for: I get annoyed by something and I look on how I can create a solution for everyone. Some pull request descriptions might be a bit exaggerated but this is just to add some spice to it to make it less boring 😁🎉

Software, where I am a core contributor:

HEPTAconnect Framework

Repositories I often contribute to:

Shopware 6 Shopware 5 Shopware 6 Documentation

Repositories I currently contribute to:

Shopware 6 Symfony Twig

Repositories I liked to contribute to as well:

PHP PHPunuhi Shopware 6 Documentation GitHub Unwrapped 2022

I found some tools, that you can put on your profile. Let's see what GitHub knows about my activity:

GitHub activity stats

… or what I do a lot

Non official GitHub trophies

An image of @joshuabehrens's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile