
My Data Science portfolio for business jobs

Joshua Cummins Portfolio

End to end Classification model for employee likely to quit.

Project Objective

  • Predict whether or not an employee will quit based on factors
  • Find insights on what keep employees
  • Find insights on what makes employees leave

Methods Used

Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization,Predictive Modeling, Logistic Regression, Data Cleansing,Random Forest, Deep Learning


Python, SkLearn, Matplotlib, Pandas, jupyter, Numpy, Keras, TensorFlow

Build an end to end time series prediction model to predict sales.

Project Objective

  • Find Correlation on sales data and customer amount.
  • Predict what future sales are based on trends.

Methods Used

Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Predictive Modeling, Data analytics, Data Cleansing, Preproccessing


  • Facebook Prophet, Python, MatplotLib, Seaborn, Pandas, jupyter, Numpy

Analysis and Segment data for marketing team for targeted marketing campaigns and insights in customer habits.

Project Objective

The purpose of this project is analyze sales data to find potential customers to market too. Analyze sale data to find insights on customer needs.

Methods Used

K-means, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Principal Component Analysis


Python, SkLearn, Matplotlib, Pandas, jupyter, Numpy

An end to end Linear Regression model and analysis.

Project Objective

  • to create an end to end machine learning algorithm that predicts house prices on the Boston housing market.
  • find out which features have the biggest positive and negative impacts on housing prices

Methods Used

Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Predictive Modeling, Linear Regression, Data Cleansing, Preproccessing, Feature Engineering


Python, SkLearn, Matplotlib, Pandas, jupyter, Numpy, statsmodels.api