从JSONExport fork 过来, 修改部分代码以适配需求, 修改以下三点:
- 消除警告更新至swift5稳定版
- 添加MJExtension支持
- 添加点击关闭按钮, 关闭程序代码
JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X written in Swift. Using JSONExport you will be able to:
- Convert any valid JSON object to a class of one of the currently supported languages.
- Preview the generated content before saving it.
- Include constructors only, utility methods only, both or none.
- Change the root class name.
- Set a class name prefix for the generated classes.
- Set package name for Java files.
Each generated file, besid the getters and setters (for Java) can include:
- A constructor wich accepts an instance of NSDictionary, JSON, JSONObject instance depending on the file language, and the class will use this object to fill its properties data.
- A utility method which converts the class data into a dictionary again.
Currently you can convert your JSON object to one of the following languages:
- Java for Android.
- Java for Realm Android.
- GSON for Android
- Swift Classes.
- Swift Classes for SwiftyJSON library.
- Swift Classes for Realm.
- Swift - CoreData.
- Swift Structures.
- Swift Structures for Gloss
- Swift Mappable Classes for (Swift 3) ObjectMapper
- Swift Structures for Unbox
- Objective-C - iOS.
- Objective-C - MAC.
- Objective-C - CoreData.
- Objective-C for Realm iOS.
Screenshot shows JSONExport used for a snippet from Twitter timeline JSON and converting it to Swift-CoreData.
Kindly clone the project, and build it using xCode 8 and above.
Support Objective-CDoneSync multible classes with the same name or have the same exact propertiesDoneSupport to parse JSON arrays of objectsDone- Load JSON data from web
Open .json files from JSONExport- Supported languages management editor.
- Beside raw JSON, load the model raw data from plist files as well.
- When exporting to subclasses of NSManagedObject, some data types can not be exported. For example core data does not have data type for "array of strings"; in turn, if your JSON contains an array of strings, the exported file will not compile without you fixing the type mismatch.
- When exporting subclasses of RLMObject, you will have to enter the default values of premitive types manually. This is because of dynamic properties limition that prevents you from having an optional premitive type.
- When exporting to CoreData or Realm and you want to use the utility methods, you will need to manually watch for deep relation cycle calls; that is, when you convert an object to dictionary, this object try to convert one of its relation to a dictionary and the relation tries to convert the original object to a dictionary, that will cause a kind of cycle where each object involved calls the other object's toDictionary method infenitly...
- Avoid attempt to model a JSON object with empty values, because JSONExport does not understand empty values and can not guess their types.
- Deep nesting of arrays and objects will not be exported in a proper model files.
The application still in its early stage. Please report any issue so I can improve it.
JSONExport is available under custom version of MIT license.