- This mini project is designed to get you used to how components can be built around data that is a bit more complicated, and that doesn't just necessarily exist on a component's state. We're going to be using an external data source (although it'll be found locally in our project) from a file in our app called
. Your goal is to usecomponentDidMount
to set that data on the state of the component you'll be building, and consuming it within arender
- React's Lifecycle
- componentDidMount
- render
- this.setState
- props
- className for styling react components
- If you haven't already, please install
- Link here
- Fork and clone this project and cd into it.
- From within this directory run
create-react-app react-friends
. - Move the
file from this repo into thesrc
directory inside of your newreact-friends
project. - cd into
and runnpm start
oryarn start
and navigate tolocalhost:3000
- Inside of
create your constructor function, (don't forget to super()) and add a state object to it. Inside that state object define an array called People. - Import people data in like so:
import { people } from './people.js
(if you haven't included people in yoursrc
directory this wont work); - Create a method called componentDidMount and set the people data on state.
- Create your
as a function component and import it in as:import {PeopleList} from './PeopleList'
. - Pass your
data down to PeopleList and render out the People List<PeopleList people={this.state.People} />
. - For each person in
render out the first_name and last_name and email. - Go to town styling your components!
- Create a file called PeopleList.css and go to town styling! Try and center each person on the screen.
- Import PeopleList styles into PeopleList.js as `import './PeopleList.css'; to grant you access to the className references.
- Hint: Delete the styles in the app.css and index.css files and do it on your own! Make things look pretty!
this.setState({People: people});
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { people } from './people';
import { PeopleList } from './PeopleList';
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
People: [],
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({People: people});
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello React App</h1>
<PeopleList people={this.state.People} />
export default App;
import React from 'react';
import Person from './Person';
import './PeopleList.css';
export const PeopleList = (props) => {
return (
<div className="People-Wrapper">
{props.people.map((person => {
return (