Code for the LEDCube project 2017 engineering studies Yr 12
All current functions (As of 23rd June 2017)
send() -> Print grid in current state and send to cube
grid(x,y,z,state) -> sets the LED at position x,y,z to the state (either off (0) or on (1))
zero() -> Turns all LEDs off
fill() -> Turns all LEDs on
layerbylayer() -> Goes from bottom layer to the top layer turning them on then off
insidethenout() -> Fills the cube from the middle out, part by part
insidethenouthollow() -> Fills the cube from the middle out, part by part, hollowing each part
outsidethenin() -> Opposide of insidethenout()
outsidetheninhollow() -> Opposide of insidethenouthollow()
fillfromtop() -> Fills from the top down to every point that is on
fillfrombottom() -> Fills from the bottom up to every point that is on
song(frequencies) -> Frequencies is a range of frequencies at every something rather interval of the song, then takes them and manipulates then to a layer flowing up and down the cube