
Code for the LEDCube project 2017 engineering studies Yr 12

Primary LanguagePython


Code for the LEDCube project 2017 engineering studies Yr 12

All current functions (As of 23rd June 2017)

send() -> Print grid in current state and send to cube

grid(x,y,z,state) -> sets the LED at position x,y,z to the state (either off (0) or on (1))

zero() -> Turns all LEDs off

fill() -> Turns all LEDs on

layerbylayer() -> Goes from bottom layer to the top layer turning them on then off

insidethenout() -> Fills the cube from the middle out, part by part

insidethenouthollow() -> Fills the cube from the middle out, part by part, hollowing each part

outsidethenin() -> Opposide of insidethenout()

outsidetheninhollow() -> Opposide of insidethenouthollow()

fillfromtop() -> Fills from the top down to every point that is on

fillfrombottom() -> Fills from the bottom up to every point that is on

song(frequencies) -> Frequencies is a range of frequencies at every something rather interval of the song, then takes them and manipulates then to a layer flowing up and down the cube