
Thermobarometry application for pressure-temperature modelling of metamorphic rocks.

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PTtoolbox is a simple thermobarometry application for pressure-temperature modelling of metamorphic rocks.

The initial 1.0 release of PTtoolbox offers the ability to rapidly perform thermobarometry calculations using a variety of published thermometers from the following mineral pairs: garnet-biotite, garnet-chlorite, garnet-cordierite, garnet-clinopyroxene, garnet-hornblende, garnet-ilmenite, garnet-phengite and garnet-orthopyroxene.

Developed by Joshua Laughton with the MATLAB App Designer.

If you have any questions, suggestions or errors to report please email Joshua Laughton at laughtonjosh@gmail.com


  1. Download the latest release of PTtoolbox (currently: v1.0.0) from the releases page of the GitHib respository or from the MATLAB File Exchange.
  2. Open the downloaded MATLAB App Installer (.mlappinstall) file.
  3. Select "Install" when MATLAB asks if you would like to "Install into My Apps".
  4. Select the "APPS" tab in MATLAB and select "PTtoolbox" to start the program.