
A single page web app using only pure JavaScript - second group project of Makers Academy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Notes App is a single page web app that only uses pure JavaScript. The web app allows a user to input a new note, which displays the first 20 characters and a summary of the full note if it is clicked. In this project no exisiting web frameworks or test libraries were used - instead we built our own basic testing framework to carry out unit tests.

This was our second team project as part of Makers Academy (contributors are listed below).

User Stories

All user stories below have been implemented.

As a programmer
I can see a list of my notes, where each note is abbreviated to the first 20 characters
So I can find the one I want

As a programmer
I can create a new note
So I can record something I need to remember

As a programmer
I can see the full text of an individual note on its own page
So I can see all the information in the note






This web app is hosted on surge (https://surge.sh/) and can be run by clicking the link below:


Alternatively you can use this command in your terminal:

open index.html

To ensure all tests are passing open the file via the terminal using the command below:

open test_framework.html 

Then in your browser follow the steps below to see the number of passing tests in your JS console:

- open browser (Chrome advised)
- click on 'View' --> 'Developer' --> 'JavaScript Console'
- navigate to the 'Console' tab where you should see the number of passing tests

N.B. The app doesn't connect to a database, therefore if you re-load/refresh the page it will not show any notes you previously entered.


@katieljones , @JoshuaNg2332, @04alexklink, @Dhara-95