If I actually deliver the bad ideas I have when brainstorming, eyes closed, listening to O-Zone, then they go away faster
Looks approx. like:
But there is code in there for converting between HSV and RBG (which, oddly, isn't what you want, neither saturation or value is what I thought one of them might be).
Anyhow, here it is internet. Enjoy the reference to bizarrely out-dated (and obscure even then) pop culture. Was listening to the English version of that old Numa Numa song, and they had a lyric that struck me like it might make a good tee shirt, but I couldn't figure out a way to make that particular vision particularly easily.
So I just grabbed my local live-updating internet tool (Figwheel w/ Om + Sablono), and just tried making something generally similar. Threw in a small caps font, but it's not my favorite.