
web-based application designed to facilitate employee access to an extensive database containing comprehensive information about mezcal spirits within a restaurant setting

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mezcal Information Guide

License: MIT

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Deployment
  5. Questions
  6. Contributing
  7. Authors
  8. License


We present a sophisticated web-based application designed to facilitate employee access to an extensive database containing comprehensive information about mezcal spirits within a restaurant setting. This user-friendly platform empowers employees to efficiently search for specific mezcal brands, names, and agave types, while also providing insightful details on each spirit. By leveraging this valuable information, the application aims to optimize sales and augment profits for the establishment.


To set up and run the full-stack web application locally, ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. Start by cloning the repository to your local directory and navigating to the project folder. Then, install the necessary dependencies for both the server and client components using npm install. Next, run the database migrations and seed data using npm run migrate and npm run seed. Configure your environment variables by creating a .env file with the required settings. Be sure to check your .gitignore file for any exclusions that may need modification. Finally, start the server using npm start, and your application will be accessible locally at http://localhost:3000. For testing purposes, run tests using npm test for the respective components. If you plan to contribute, please refer to our Contributing Guidelines in the repository. This project is licensed under the MIT License.


To utilize this application, kindly access the designated URL and proceed with the account creation process, in the event your employer has not already provided one. Once your account is established, proceed to log in to gain access. Subsequently, you may commence your exploration of the comprehensive spirit list, which shall serve as an invaluable resource for enhancing your understanding of the exceptional spirits housed within our establishment.
Use this QR code to view the project as well!


Demo our deployed site here: Deploy Me! mezcalbook


For any inquiries or questions related to the project, you can contact the following individuals:

Project Lead - Joshua Vaneps

Lead Back-End Developer - Nick Sweet

Feel free to reach out to them with any project-related inquiries or collaboration opportunities. They will be happy to assist you.


To contribute to this GitHub repository, we encourage you to follow these steps. Firstly, click the "Fork" button located on the top right of the repository page to create a copy of the project under your GitHub account. Next, clone the forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command. With the repository now available locally, create a new branch that will host the changes you intend to make by utilizing git checkout -b branch-name. Proceed to make the desired changes to the codebase, ensuring they align with the project's guidelines and coding standards. Afterward, commit your changes, accompanying them with descriptive and concise commit messages, through the git commit command. To share your modifications with the repository, push your committed changes to your forked repository on GitHub using git push. With your changes now on your GitHub fork, initiate a Pull Request (PR) to notify the repository owner of your proposed changes. Await their review, where they will carefully evaluate your modifications. If any feedback or adjustments are requested, promptly address them and push the changes to your branch. Once your contributions are approved, the repository owner will merge your changes into the original repository. We appreciate your valuable contributions to the project!


Joshua Vaneps. Github: https://github.com/JoshuaVaneps
Nicholas Sweet. Github: https://github.com/NickSweet1/
Harry Miner. Github: https://github.com/DrBubblez
Alec Gomez. Github: https://github.com/mandaark17
Pablo Roman. Github: https://github.com/technerdpablo


This project is licensed under MIT.