
Youtube mp3 playlist synchronizer with local storage

Primary LanguagePython


ytmp3 is a command line utility to download all audios from youtube video playlist or single video and convert them to mp3. It uses youtube API for collecting info about playlist, so to work with this script you need api-key (You can get one from there: https://console.developers.google.com). There is no need in API key to download single audio. It also do not creates duplicates of audios, if the same working directory will be specified all files will be synced and script will download and convert only new files in specified playlist. NOTE: script creates directory named as ytmp3_tmp in the target directory to store temporary files, it will clean it at the beginning and in hte end of the program lifecycle.


Python package dependencies are listed in 'requirements.txt'. To install it just use 'pip'

pip install -r requirements.txt

The 'pydub' package requires ffmpeg or libav to be installed

Mac (using homebrew):

# libav
brew install libav --with-libvorbis --with-sdl --with-theora

####    OR    #####

# ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg --with-libvorbis --with-ffplay --with-theora

Linux (using aptitude):

# libav
apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra-53

####    OR    #####

# ffmpeg
apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-53


  1. Download and extract libav from Windows binaries provided here.
  2. Add the libav /bin folder to your PATH envvar
  3. pip install pydub

Information about ffmpeg and libav was taken from pydub official github page. You can chek it for more information.


Required arguments:

To display the full list of supported arguments, use '-h' or '--help'.

python ytmp3.py -h
usage: ytmp3.py [-h] [-k KEY] [-f FOLDER] [-a ALBUM] (-p PLAYLIST | -s SINGLE) [-q | -v | -d]

This script finds all videos from Youtube given playlist, downloads it and converts to mp3.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Google Data API key.
  -p PLAYLIST, --playlist PLAYLIST
                        Youtube playlist id to get videos from
  -s SINGLE, --single SINGLE
                        Youtube video id to download
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        Working directory, where to download and store files,
                        absolute path
  -a ALBUM, --album     Album name to save tracks with, also makes sync only with album if exist
  -q, --quiet           Print out minimum result information, errors
  -v, --verbose         Print out detailed information about work progress
  -d, --debug           Print out all messages and details


Download all audios from videos from given playlist to specified folder.

python ytmp3.py -k ... -p PLblLnDz3Peug_HDuo1mbRrqwCOl1ABa13 -f 'C:\folder\to\download' -a from_youtube -v

Download audio from specific video (using url) to specified forlder

python ytmp3.py -s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc_3MWQz9EM -f 'C:\folder\to\download' -v

Download audio from specific video (using video id) to current working directory

python ytmp3.py -s Qc_3MWQz9EM -v