
A project for the Fetch Coding Challenge.

Primary LanguageSwift

iOS Coding Challenge - Dessert Recipes


This project is an iOS application that allows users to retrieve a list of dessert recipes, sort them alphabetically, and view detailed information about each meal, including its ingredients and instructions. The application is built using a mix of UIKit and SwiftUI to demonstrate proficiency in both frameworks and follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture for a clean and maintainable codebase. The project does not have a team set (its set to none), this is to reduce any potential errors since its not going to be published on the App Store/Testflight, lastly since i was able to test through simulator. Enjoy reviewing!


  • Retrieve Dessert Recipes: Fetch a list of dessert recipes from an external API.
  • Sorting: Sort the list of desserts in both ascending and descending alphabetical order.
  • Lazy Loading: Images are lazily loaded and cached to improve performance since there can be lots of images.
  • Detailed View of Meals: View detailed information about a selected meal, including:
    • Meal Name and Thumbnail
    • Instructions
    • Ingredients and Measurements
    • Link to YouTube video (if available)
  • Search Functionality: Search through the list of desserts to find specific recipes.
  • SwiftUI Integration: Detailed meal views are implemented using SwiftUI for a modern UI experience.

Technologies Used

  • UIKit: Used for the main structure and navigation of the app.
  • SwiftUI: Utilized for the detailed view of each meal.
  • Combine: Reactive programming and handling asynchronous data streams.
  • XCTest: Implemented unit tests to ensure the reliability and correctness of the app.


The application is built using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture, which helps in separating the business logic from the UI and ensures a clear, maintainable, and testable codebase.

Project Structure

  • Home View: Displays the list of dessert recipes and includes sorting and search functionalities.
  • Detail View: Shows detailed information about a selected meal using SwiftUI.
  • View Models: Handles the business logic and data manipulation for the views.
  • Networking Layer: Responsible for making API calls to retrieve dessert data.
  • Unit Tests: Comprehensive tests for view models and networking components to ensure proper functionality.

How To Review

The most up to date project is in the "main" branch.