ADF Auto

"Give your CI/CD pipelines a truer continuous integration experience"

Quick start

  1. Create new adf-<DATA FACTORY NAME>.yml from adf-COPY-ME.yml template under .devops and update variables/trigger path.
  2. Connect development Data Factory to repo and set root path as /adf/<DATA FACTORY NAME>
    • Set branch main as the collaboration branch.
    • Setting branch adf_publish as the publish branch is only for initialization, but is not used afterwards.
  3. Check box to "Disable publish from ADF studio".
  4. Check box to "Include global parameters in ARM template". (optional)
    • Global parameters are formatted as default_properties_<PARAM_NAME>_value in pipeline.
  5. Add adf-<DATA FACTORY NAME>.yml as a pipeline in Azure DevOps.
  6. Make any change in the development ADF and click save (publish should be disabled).
  7. Validate the pipeline ran and deployed your changes.
  8. To identify available data factory parameters, view the ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json pipeline artifact after the build runs.
    • If the data factory parameter needs to be a "SecureString", prefix the parameter with __secure__.
  9. Require Pull Requests into the main branch so that only feature branches can be saved from the development Data Factory.
    • Pull Requests are required after setting any branch policy.

Microsoft Doc