
Instragram clone made on ReactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Git
  • Node
  • NPM / Yarn
  • React
  • GraphQL

Install dependecies for Frontend

$ cd instagram-clone
$ npm install

Install dependencies for GraphQL server

$ cd instagram-clone/server
$ npm install

Using Pusher To add realtime functionality, you need Pusher. Head over to Pusher and create a new application.

Note your application keys.

  • Edit your server/server.js and add your application credentials
  • Edit the src/App.js and add your application keys so you can connect to pusher.

Run the application

  • Start backend server
$ node server


  • Run Frontend
$ npm start


  • Build Frontend
$ npm run build
  • Serve static files with http-server
$ npm install http-server
$ http-server build

Ensure your backend server is running simultaneously

Built With

  • React - A Javascript library for building user interfaces
  • Express - Node.js web application framework
  • GraphQL - A Query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
  • ApolloClient - Apollo Client is the ultra-flexible, community-driven GraphQL client for React, JavaScript, and native platforms.
  • Pusher - Leaders in realtime technologies. We empower all developers to create live features for web and mobile apps with our simple hosted API.


  • Pusher - Easy to use getting started guide
  • React - Great documentation easy to use
  • Matt Gaunt - Great introduction to service workers