
[Neurocomputing] Road segmentation networks implemented in Pytorch

Primary LanguagePython


This is an road segmentation network of Pytorch, which is inspired by KittiSeg, which is the part of the experiments of our paper, Geometric and semantic analysis of road image sequences for traffic scene construction.

The detailed network structure is shown in the following figure. The encoder is the ResNet50/101 provided by Torchvision, so the details are not marked here.



1. binary class segmentation

Bg Acc Road Acc Bg IoU Road IoU
U-Net 98.114 97.941 96.368 96.424
GCN 98.654 98.921 97.661 97.842
Ours 98.663 98.657 97.402 97.531

2. semantic segmentation

Road IoU Road Acc Car IoU Car Acc Others IoU Others Acc
U-Net 96.478 98.288 0 0 0 0
GCN 97.606 98.926 23.156 26.970 0.398 0.413
Ours 96.869 98.267 00.022 00.024 0 0

Set up

virtuelenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Reference: https://github.com/milesial/Pytorch-UNet

# train&test
python run.py --model unet --dataset TSDDataset_bin --epochs 5
# test
python run.py --model unet --dataset TSDDataset_bin --epochs 0 --load checkpoints/unet/MODEL_bin.pth
# visualization
python predict.py --model unet --dataset TSDDataset_bin --load checkpoints/unet/MODEL_bin.pth

# train&test
python run.py --model unet --dataset TSDDataset_mul --epochs 5
# test
python run.py --model unet --dataset TSDDataset_mul --epochs 0 --load checkpoints/unet/MODEL_mul.pth
# visualization
python predict.py --model unet --dataset TSDDataset_mul --load checkpoints/unet/MODEL_mul.pth


Reference: https://github.com/SConsul/Global_Convolutional_Network

# train&test
python run.py --model gcn --dataset TSDDataset_bin --epochs 5
# test
python run.py --model gcn --dataset TSDDataset_bin --epochs 0 --load checkpoints/gcn/MODEL_bin.pth
# visualization
python predict.py --model gcn --dataset TSDDataset_bin --load checkpoints/gcn/MODEL_bin.pth

# train&test
python run.py --model gcn --dataset TSDDataset_mul --epochs 5
# test
python run.py --model gcn --dataset TSDDataset_mul --epochs 0 --load checkpoints/gcn/MODEL_mul.pth
# visualization
python predict.py --model gcn --dataset TSDDataset_mul --load checkpoints/gcn/MODEL_mul.pth


# train&test
python run.py --model ours --dataset TSDDataset_bin --epochs 5
# test
python run.py --model ours --dataset TSDDataset_bin --epochs 0 --load checkpoints/ours/MODEL_bin.pth
# visualization
python predict.py --model ours --dataset TSDDataset_bin --load checkpoints/ours/MODEL_bin.pth

# train&test
python run.py --model ours --dataset TSDDataset_mul --epochs 3
# test
python run.py --model ours --dataset TSDDataset_mul --epochs 0 --load checkpoints/ours/MODEL_mul.pth
# visualization
python predict.py --model ours --dataset TSDDataset_mul --load checkpoints/ours/MODEL_mul.pth