
A default to start a django project

Primary LanguagePython

{% comment %}

.. image:: https://requires.io/bitbucket/maykinmedia/default-project/requirements.svg?branch=master :target: https://requires.io/bitbucket/maykinmedia/default-project/requirements/?branch=master :alt: Requirements Status


This default project structure creates a nice seperation between the frontend and backend tasks. This way the Project root stays nice and clean.

How to use it

Go to the place your project live.

cd /path/to/projects
mkdir <project_name>
cd <project_name>

Create the virtual environment that holds your copy of Python and relevant libraries

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install django

Start a new Django project, named <project_name>, using this template. It can be usefull to use a <project_name> that serves as namespace in your code.

django-admin startproject --template=https://bitbucket.org/maykinmedia/default-project/get/master.zip --extension=py,rst,rb,html,gitignore,json,ini,js,sh,cfg,properties <project_name> .

You'll need pip-compile to generate the pinned versions of the requirements

pip install pip setuptools --upgrade (optionally)
pip install pip-tools
cd requirements
pip-compile base.in
cd ..

NOTE: The section above will not be included in your project's README. Below you'll see the actual project README template.

{% endcomment %}

{{ project_name|lower }}

The code for {{ project_name|lower }} is split in a frontend and backend part.


The frontend is used for the following code:

  • JavaScript
    • ESlint
    • Jest
    • Babel
  • Scss
    • Stylelint
  • Django Templates
    • HTMLhint


The backend is used for the following code:

  • Django
    • Pylint
    • Pep8
    • Isort
    • (choose formatter)