Welcome to Back-end Code Testing!

In the following Readme file I have explained my whole project and how I were able to fix the problem with fetching data from the JSON file, analyise it and store it in mongoDB. and then fetch it with the profitability property.

Compile and deployment instructions:

This project is very easy to setup and only need few commands running in order to make it fully functional. First download the data JSON file from this link after downloading the file make sure to extract it and copy the file threads.json and put a copy of it in the following directoy

PROEJCT_ROOT => data => threads.json

make sure that the file is named threads.json

next you have to go to the project root and create/edit .env file and modify a value in it


after modifiying this variable you will be able to connect to your database through our application; not modifing it will cause an ERROR

after doing that make sure to run these commands in the following order.

npm run install (to install dependencies)
npm run seed (to seed the data from the file into database)
npm run start (start the project in production mode)


scripts: {
	"seed": "node -e 'require(\"./seeds/index.js\").seedData(RECORD_NUMBER)'"

running the npm run seed will fetch the data from the JSON file into the database as JSON file has over than 80000 record it is recommended to replace the RECORD_NUMBER with the amount of records you want to fetch to your database.

Logic Behind The npm run seed:

seeding is one of the most important function to be invloded the script, it works in the following order.

  1. Delete current records in the database
  2. Fetch Data from the JSON file and filter the data out with categories to make sure only the "For Sale" products are inserted.
  3. while inserting the records we create statistics about three fields values (price-replyCount-viewCount) --- see the Algorithem section for more information
  4. after inserting data we modify each item profitability property.
  5. we stop the script and show user that seeding is done

Data Modeling:

We have 4 collections in our database

  • Item
  • PriceProfitability
  • ViewCountProfitability
  • ReplyCountProfitability

the Item collection is representing the Thread object coming from the JSON data file it has the following data modeling

	threadId: { type:  String },
	threadTitle: { type:  String },
	threadUrl: { type:  String },
	profileUrl: { type:  String },
	avatarUrl: { type:  String },
	userName: { type:  String },
	replyCount: { type:  Number },
	viewCount: { type:  Number },
	articleHTML: { type:  String },
	articleText: { type:  String },
	threadProperties: [{ type:  String }],
	type: { type:  String },
	currency: { type:  String },
	shipping_destinations: { type:  String },
	price: { type:  Number },
	priceInUsd: { type:  Number },
	profitability: { type:  Number },
	profitability_percentage: { type:  String },

almost all the fields are easy to be understanded yet the profitability and profitability_percentage where these two represent the the profitability of each item after doing an algorithem on it.

the three other collection have the same data structure:

count: {type:  Number,},
total: {type:  Number,},
sum: {type:  Number,}

count represent the number of items that has been inserted in the database total represent the total of the values that the field has been assigned to for example price field has the total of prices in all products inserted in the DB in order to fetch the sum. sum represent the sum of these data count/total that will be used in our algorithem.

Algorithm strategy and point system:

to get the profitability for each item we have run each on of them under a point system that calculate the chance this item can be sold again.



we took three main points in that.

  1. price the price of each item
  2. replyCount assuming it represet how many reply has been made on this post (people interacting with a post)
  3. viewCount assuming it represet how many users has viewed this item (seen it from inside the page)

the point perfect score is 100% splited into:

  • price 50%
  • replyCount 35%
  • viewCount 15%

each one of those three fields are splited into 3 main categories in order to get the percentage of the level it is in:

  • Low 0-40%
  • Normal 40-60%
  • Hight 60-100%

and to calculate the distance we take the normal value and then we calculate the HIGH LEVEL by doing the following math: NORMAL_LEVEL * 1.5 for the LOW LEVEL we do the following math: NORMAL_LEVEL / 1.5 this allows us to put a range for each LEVEL


let us say that the sum of the three properties are splitted into the following:

797 286 9

and we get an item with the following data:

280 438 3

the profitability would equal 18 here is how we calculated it:


PRICE_HIGHT_LEVLE = 797 * 1.5 = 1196 and up --> 60%-100% of total PRICE_LOW_LEVEL = 797 / 1.5 = 532 and lower --> 0%-40% of total PRICE_NORAML_LEVEL = anything between PRICE_HIGHT_LEVLE and PRICE_LOW_LEVEL --> 40%-60% of total

for the PRICE in the item it is in the PRICE_LOW_LEVEL so that means it is between 0%-40% now let us calculate how percentage it is in this level

number_percentage = (NUMBER * 100) / PRICE_LOW_LEVEL;
number_percentage = (LOW_POINT_PERCENTAGE(40%) * number_percentage) / (100 * 100);
number_percentage = number_percentage * 100;
  • number_percentage: result of each step
  • NUMBER: the item property value => price for the above example
  • LOW_POINT_PERCENTAGE: the % of the LOW_LEVLE => 40%
  • PRICE_LOW_LEVEL: the LOW_RANGE of the property

this will get us the % of the number from the LEVEL now let us calculate the percentage out from the PRICE percentage 50% of total result

number_percentage = Math.round((number_percentage * percentage_value) / 100);

  • number_percentage: the number we get from the previous calculation
  • percentage_value: the % of the property (for Price it is 50%)

now we get the % of the profitability for the price, we do the same now for all the 2 other remaining fields.

then we calculate them all to get the total percentage which represent the profitability.

HTTP Requests:

out API contains only one end-point, which is the /recommend end point. the following URL accepts two query params:

  • page: the number of page to query from
  • limit: items per page to show

the endpoint return the items sorted by the profitability descending the response of this endpoint you can expect the following JSON format:

	"items": [...],
	"total_items": 480,
	"total_pages": 24,
	"next_page": true,
	"current_page": 1
  • items: an array of data that contains the items and there data
  • total_items: the number of total items we have in the database
  • total_pages: the total pages we can query from
  • next_page: a boolean value to check if there is a next page
  • current_page: the page u are already at

UML diagrams

the below chat explain how we can make a request and what we expect from the application to behave like

graph LR
A[Client] -- Request to server --> B(/recommend)
D --> A

Notes and why I like my solution:

I developed a solution that consider CUSTOMER behavior and can be extended very easily to not just 2 or 3 fields it can be extended to as much fields as you want just give each one of them a percentage from the total and that is it. also we take in consider the CUSTOMER point of view about any item which is the price, then it keep going with other sutff such looking for user interacting with a product so even if the product has a high number of views but the price is hight it will take that in mind when calculating stuff around.

the solution follows the best OOP pattrent and is very flexable as it allows us to change and manipulate any data we have. also we are able to get data into chunks which speed up the loading of a request, user can control how many items he wants to get also the developer are able to load as much items as he wants with the

npm run seed

last point is that this is a very well documented API that explain everything in details.