⚡️ Hyperfy Recipes

A collection of recipes demonstrating how to build different things using the Hyperfy SDK.

This repo is new. We plan to add new recipes regularly and are accepting PRs from the community.

Getting Started

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/hyperfy-io/hyperfy-recipes.git

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the SDK

npm run dev

Visit localhost:4000 in your browser


Hit Tab to open the editor.

All the recipes in /apps will be shown here for you to add to the world.


Name Description
elevator An multiplayer synchronized elevator that goes up and down
dialog An emotive and interactive npc with a quest
door A multiplayer synchronized animated door
trigger A video that plays when you get near, and stops when you leave.
web3 A short demo on interacting with blockchain contracts
teleporters A click activated teleporter and a trigger activated telepad