
Emacs package to create and navigate denote notes with folgezettel numbering in the signature.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Denote Folgezettel

Creating denote notes with signatures that correspond with a folgezettel id can be cumbersome and error prone; denote folgezettel (abbreviated denote-fz) provides commands for automatic signature creation and for convenient navigation through a zettelkasten.



Download denote-fz.el, then use M-x package-install-file. M-x package-initialize may be required to recognize the package after installation.

Denote 2.0.0 or above is required. For now sed and awk are also required for sorting dired buffers.


denote-fz is primarily a set of commands, each can be used on its own.

All the commands use the current directory (default-directory) they are supposed to be used from a folgezettel note or a directory containing one.

To enable the mode you need .dir-locals.el in a zettelkasten directory.

((nil . ((denote-fz-mode . t))))

Note creation

denote-fz provides the following functions for automatically creating notes with a folgezettel signature:


Creates a note with signature "1".


Prompts for a target note and creates a child note based in the target note's signature. A target note with a signature 2a4 would create the note 2a4a, if that note is already created it keeps looking for a valid signature for note creation.


Prompts for a target note and creates a sibling note based in the target note's signature. A target note with a signature 2a4 would create a note 2a5, if that note is already created it keeps looking for a valid signature for note creation.


Same as denote-fz-insert-child but uses the current buffer's signature as the target.


Same as denote-fz-insert-sibling but uses the current buffer's signature as the target.

Dynamic blocks


Insert dblock with a regexp corresponding with the section of the current buffer's id.


Insert dblock with a regexp corresponding with the full-section of the current buffer's id.



Find a note using the minibuffer, the notes are sorted and pretty printed.


Find the parent note corresponding with the current buffer's signature. Example: Using it in a 2a4 signature would find the 2a signature.


Find the first child note corresponding with the current buffer's signature. Example: Using it in a 2a4 signature would find the 2a4a signature.


Find the next sibling note corresponding with the current buffer's signature. Example: Using it in a 2a4 signature would find the 2a5 signature.


Find the previous sibling note corresponding with the current buffer's signature. Example: Using it in a 2a4c signature would find the 2a4b signature.


Like denote-fz-goto-next-sibling but it moves to the first note of the sequence if it can't find the next sibling.

Dired integration


Opens a dired buffer with the notes sorted by the folgezettel id.


Opens a dired buffer with the notes corresponding with all the descendants of the dired file at point.


Opens a dired buffer with the notes corresponding with all the descendants of the parent of the dired file at point.


Opens a dired buffer with all the top level notes.