Angaros's website! Enjoy some help on my work!
Hosts the Salad CLI website files.
Code in the website is horrible, because it is based on work I had done while I had little to no knowledge in HTML or CSS, so please bear with me if you plan on editing anything.
For now, the only pull requests I will be accepting are those editing the actual guides (which I'll verify before merging. This is because I don't have the time to manually verify the validity of new HTML merging, and I already plan on overwriting what I currently have for the website. Any additions are still going to be looked at, don't hesitate to make a pull request to help out.
My DMs on Discord (Angaros#1263) are always open, if you'd like to have a talk about CLI, what it is and how it works. We can also talk about things you'd like to add / change / remove for the guides, website.