µLearn Website

This repository contains the the source code files for the µLearn Frontend Project. Kindly read through the following to get a hold on the naming and contributions standards

Git Commands and Naming Etiquette

To clone the project

git clone git@github.com:gtech-mulearn/mulearnfrontend.git

Create a new feature branch

git branch feature-loginpage

Switch to the new branch

git checkout feature-loginpage

Do the necessary changes on the files, add the files

git add -A

Commit the changes

git commit -m "Implemented the login feature"

Pull the changes from the server ( not applicable for the first push )

git pull origin feature-loginpage

Push the changes to server for the first time

git push origin feature-loginpage

Once the feature is complete, merge the changes to the develop branch ( the team lead does this )

git checkout dev
git merge feature-loginpage

Make sure you pull the changes from the required repo and keep your branch updated.

Running the Project Locally

git clone git@github.com:gtech-mulearn/mulearnfrontend.git

The central repository holds four main branches with two branches having infinte lifetime(dev-server & production)

  • dev
  • dev-server (hosted)
  • staging
  • production (hosted)

origin/production is the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a production-ready state.

origin/staging is the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release

Supporting branches

  • Feature branches
  • Staging branches
  • Hotfix branches

Feature Branch

  • May branch off from: dev
  • Must merge back into: dev
  • Branches should be prefixed with feature-
  • They should be in small letter casing with multiple words separated by -

Eg: feature-signuppage, feature-igpage

Bugfix Branch

  • May branch off from: dev
  • Must merge back into: dev
  • Branch naming convention: bugfix-*
  • Branches should be prefixed with bugfix-*
  • They should be in small letter casing with multiple words separated by -

Eg: bugfix-spellingfix, bugfix-stylecorrection

Hotfix Branch

  • May branch off from: staging
  • Must merge back into: staging, dev, dev-server
  • Branch naming convention: hotfix-*
  • Branches should be prefixed with hotfix-*
  • They should be in small letter casing with multiple words separated by -

Eg: hotfix-signup-failure, hotfix-taskid123


Contributions are always welcome!

See contributing.md for ways to get started.


  • If you are a maintainer of the project, you will be the person responsible for reviewing the pull request and merging them.

Pull Request Flow

  • The pull request from the developers can only be received on the dev(feature, bugfix) and the staging(hotfix) branch.

  • After reviewing the request you can merge them to the dev-server/production depending upon the type of request

Quality Tester

  • If you are a Quality Tester you can verify the dev-server for testing the upcoming features and the production for features which are already in release.