
Hide shared objects from dl_iterate_phdr

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


HideSharedObject is a C++ library that makes it easy to hide a shared object in dl_iterate_phdr by hooking the function and allowing you to hide a shared object with a simple function call.


The dl_iterate_phdr function is used in Linux to iterate over the loaded shared objects in a process. It is commonly used by various tools and libraries for introspection and dynamic analysis. However, in some scenarios, you may want to hide a specific shared object from being detected or accessed by such tools.

HideSharedObject provides a straightforward way to achieve this by hooking the dl_iterate_phdr function and intercepting the shared object information.


#include "HideSharedObject.hpp"

void* HideSharedObject::proxy;

void InstallHideSharedObject() {
	HideSharedObject::AddHiddenSharedObject("libc.so"); // This may be a substring of your shared objects name
	void* trampoline = CreateHook((void*) dl_iterate_phdr, (void*) HideSharedObject::HookFunc);
	HideSharedObject::proxy = trampoline;

The only requirement is a hooking library, capable of redirecting execution flow to the HookFunc inside HideSharedObject. It is intentional to not provide a hooking library in this repository since it is your task to hook the function.

If this confuses you, you can take a look at Example/Main.cpp. This file houses an example with a hooking library. You are not forced to use this hooking library, you may use another one.