Migrant application
To develop this application you need to execute the following command to get a proper shell in the development environment, this will mount the source folder and allow editing the code with you preferred editor while getting the benefit of having autorefresh etc.
docker-compose run migrants_app_dev bash
The first time you will have to install all the modules or quasar will complain.
npm install
docker network create micado_net
docker-compose up
If you need to test the chatbot components you need to run also the chatbot compose file as below
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.chatbot.yaml up
The application can be accessed both the following addresses
http://migrants.micado.csi.it [using the balancer in front of the web server as in production environment; the FQDN must be set in hosts file]
http://localhost:8080 [with hot reloading]
docker exec -it migrant_application_migrants_app_dev_1 /bin/bash
QENV=test;NODE_ENV=test;quasar test --unit jest
To have a build to test locally is possible to execute the command below
docker build -t micadoproject/migrant_app:0.0.1 .
For release the GIT repository is linked to Dockerhub so at each push a new image build will be triggered.