
This project is aimed for those people that has more than 1 configuration for their git projects or work with multiple users and want to have a simple command to change their profile between projects.

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project is aimed for those people that has more than 1 configuration for their git projects or work with multiple users and want to have a simple command to change their profile between projects.


  • Groovy 3.0.6
  • GraalVM CE 20.3.0
sdk install java 20.3.0.r8-grl
sdk install groovy 3.0.6

Compile Groovy Script

A compiler configuration is included to properly compile with Static Compilation capabilities

withConfig(configuration) {

Now in order to use this configuration at compile time we need to run the following command

groovyc --configscript compiler.groovy git-config.groovy -d output

Run with Java

You can run your script with Java by navigating into the output directory and including in the classpath the Groovy jar file

> cd output

> java -cp ".:$GROOVY_HOME/lib/groovy-3.0.6.jar:$GROOVY_HOME/lib/groovy-json-3.0.6.jar" git-config --help

Build native-image

native-image --allow-incomplete-classpath \
--report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime \
--initialize-at-build-time \
--initialize-at-run-time=org.codehaus.groovy.control.XStreamUtils,groovy.grape.GrapeIvy \
--no-server \
--no-fallback \
-cp ".:$GROOVY_HOME/lib/groovy-3.0.6.jar:$GROOVY_HOME/lib/groovy-json-3.0.6.jar" \
-H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=conf/git-config-reflections.json,conf/java-reflections.json,conf/dgm-reflections.json \

Sample output

[git-config:3337]    classlist:   3,262.39 ms,  1.34 GB
[git-config:3337]        (cap):   6,552.59 ms,  1.34 GB
[git-config:3337]        setup:  10,432.12 ms,  1.34 GB
[git-config:3337]     (clinit):     357.15 ms,  2.19 GB
[git-config:3337]   (typeflow):   7,953.68 ms,  2.19 GB
[git-config:3337]    (objects):   8,057.15 ms,  2.19 GB
[git-config:3337]   (features):     538.85 ms,  2.19 GB
[git-config:3337]     analysis:  17,381.85 ms,  2.19 GB
[git-config:3337]     universe:     897.57 ms,  2.36 GB
[git-config:3337]      (parse):   1,673.26 ms,  2.36 GB
[git-config:3337]     (inline):   1,967.96 ms,  2.69 GB
[git-config:3337]    (compile):  11,607.48 ms,  3.33 GB
[git-config:3337]      compile:  16,448.78 ms,  3.33 GB
[git-config:3337]        image:   2,495.96 ms,  3.34 GB
[git-config:3337]        write:     653.93 ms,  3.34 GB
[git-config:3337]      [total]:  52,073.96 ms,  3.34 GB

dgm reflections not recognized

If you have any problem with the dmg reflections not including a class or something you can run the tool included here

groovy dgm-reflections-generator.groovy

After finish do not forget to include the file generated to your configuration -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles.

Thanks to @wololock is published on his gist here: https://gist.github.com/wololock/ac83a8196a8252fbbaacf4ac84e10b36

custom reflections when the script is modified is modified

If you add a new closure or class and want to include it when compiling to GraalVM first execute this script that way you will have all the conf/custom-reflections.json updated, those are required to compile to native image.

groovy custom-reflections-generator.groovy


You can see the options by running the command -h or --help

./git-config -h

usage: git-config -[hvroi]
 -c,--configure     Configure user info
 -h,--help          Usage Information
 -p,--profile       Use profile configuration
 -s,--show          Show user info
 -sl,--show-local   Show local configuration

This tool has been written to change between git profiles that will be stored on json format on your ${USER_HOME}/git-config/config.json first you need to configure the tool by running the command

./git-config -c

Follow the steps and then you are ready to change between your profiles using the next command:

./git-config -p <name-of-your-profile>

You can see the configuration of your current directory by running the option -sl or --show-local also you can see your current directory with the option -s or --show:

./git-config -sl

Repo:  git@github.com:Joxebus/git-config-groovy-graalvm.git
Name:  Omar Bautista
Email: joxebus@gmail.com


I've tested this tool running directly with Groovy, then compiling and testing running as Java including into the classpath the Groovy jars, finally I compiled to native-image and this is the results:
