
Tree (data structure). Many methods

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package builds a tree and gives a lot of useful methods for managing a tree and its nodes


npm install @denq/iron-tree --save

Base usage

// create tree
const object = { id: 1, title: 'Root' };
const tree = new Tree(object);

// add nodes
const regularObject = { id:2, title: 'Node 2'}
tree.add((parentNode) => {
  return parentNode.get('id') === 1;
}, regularObject);

// contains node
const targetNode = tree.contains((currentNode) => {
  return currentNode.get('id') === 2;

// remove node
const result = tree.remove((currentNode) => {
  return currentNode.get('id') === 2;

// traversal
const criteria = (currentNode) => currentNode.get('id') === 1;
tree.traversal(criteria, (currentNode) => {
  currentNode.set('some', true);
function compareById(vector) {
  return (a, b) => {
    const aid = Number(a.get('id'));
    const bid = Number(b.get('id'));
    if (aid > bid) {
      return vector ? 1 : -1;
    } else if (aid < bid) {
      return vector ? -1 : 1;
    } else {
      return 0
tree.sort(compareById(false));  // desc

The following are the other methods available.


This is the class of tree management


  • rootNode Root tree node
    • type Node


  • contstructor(object)

    • params
      • object - json object. Optional
    • return IronTree
    • example
      const object = { id: 1, title: 'Root' };
      const tree = new Tree(object);
  • .add(criteria, object) Adds a node to the tree if the criterion is true

    • params
      • criteria(Node) - function or string. If string then criteria is "root"
      • object - content for the node
    • return IronTree
    • examples
    const object = { id: 1, title: 'Root' };
    const tree = new Tree();
    const resultTree = tree.add('root', object);
    const regularObject = { id:2, title: 'Node 2'}
    const resultTree = tree.add((parentNode) => {
        return parentNode.get('id') === 1;
    }, regularObject);
  • .remove(criteria) Removes a node from a tree if the criterion is true

    • params
      • criteria(Node) - return boolean
    • return boolean
    • examples
    const result = tree.remove((currentNode) => {
        return currentNode.get('id') === 7;
  • .contains(criteria) Searches for a node in a tree according to the criterion

    • params
      • criteria(Node) - return boolean
    • return Node
    • examples
    const targetNode = tree.contains((currentNode) => {
        return currentNode.get('id') === 7;
  • .sort(compare) Sorts a tree

    • params
      • compare(a:Node, b:Node) - comparison function
    • return null
    • examples
    function compareById(vector) {
        return (a, b) => {
            const aid = Number(a.get('id'));
            const bid = Number(b.get('id'));
            if (aid > bid) {
              return vector ? 1 : -1;
            } else if (aid < bid) {
              return vector ? -1 : 1;
            } else {
              return 0
    tree.sort(compareById(false));  //Desc
  • .move(criteria, destination) Moves the desired branch or node to the node or branch of the destination, according to the criteria

    • params
      • criteria(Node) - callback
      • destination(Node) - callback
    • return boolean
    • examples
    const search = (currentNode) => currentNode.get('id') === 7;
    const destination = (currentNode) => currentNode.get('id') === 3;
    const result = tree.move(search, destination);
  • .traversal(criteria, callback) Bypasses the tree and, according to the criterion, calls a function for each node

    • params
      • criteria(Node) - return boolean
      • callback(Node)
    • return null
    • examples
    const criteria = (currentNode) => currentNode.get('id') === 7;
    tree.traversal(criteria, (currentNode) => {
        currentNode.set('some', true);
    tree.traversal(null, (currentNode) => {
        if (currentNode.get('id')%2 === 0) {
          currentNode.set('some', true);
  • .toJson(options) Represents a tree in the form of a json format

    • params
      • options - object. Optional
        • empty_children - Type boolean. Allow empty children. Default true
        • key_children - Type string. Field name for children. Default children
    • return object
    • examples
    const json = tree.toJson();


This is the node management class


  • content Content of the node
    • type object
  • children Children of the node
    • type array
  • length Number children of the node
    • type number


  • constructor(json)

    • params
      • json - simple json object
    • examples
    const rootContent = {
      id: 1,
      name: 'Root',
    let node = new Node(rootContent);
  • .add(child) Adding a child to the node

    • return Node - created node
    • params
      • child - type object/json
    • examples
    const rootContent = {
      id: 1,
      name: 'Root',
    let node = new Node(rootContent);
    const childNode = node.add({ id: 2, name: 'Two node'});
  • .remove(criteria) Removing a child node according to the criterion

    • return - removed Node
    • params
      • criteria - criteria function for removing nodes
    • examples
    const removedNodes = node.remove((itemNode) => {
        return itemNode.get('id') === 3;
  • .get(path) Access to node content by field name

    • return mixed
    • params
      • path - key name for object in node. For example id or fullname, etc...
    • examples
      node.get('id'); // 1
      node.get('name') // "Some name"
  • .set(path, value) Setting a value or creating a new field in the contents of a node

    • return boolean
    • params
      • path - String field name
      • value - mixed
    • examples
    node.set('id', 100)); // returned `true`. Node.content.id = 100
    node.get('id'); // 100
  • .sort(compare) Sorting child nodes

    • return null
    • params
      • compare - custom function for sorting
    • examples
    function compareById(vector) {
        return (a, b) => {
          const aid = Number(a.get('id'));
          const bid = Number(b.get('id'));
          if (aid > bid) {
            return vector ? 1 : -1;
          } else if (aid < bid) {
            return vector ? -1 : 1;
          } else {
            return 0
  • .traversal(criteria, callback) Bypassing child nodes according to the criterion and applying function to them

    • return null
    • params
      • criteria - function criteria each nodes
      • callback - function fire when criteria is true for node
    • examples
    // for all nodes
    node.traversal(null, (currentNode) => {
      const name = currentNode.get('name');
      currentNode.set('name', `${name}!`);  // Last symbol "!"
    // only for node.id == 3
    node.traversal((currentNode) => currentNode.get('id') === 3, (currentNode) => {
      const name = currentNode.get('name');
      currentNode.set('name', `${name}!`);  // Last symbol "!"


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