Duino-coin experimental miners

Here I will post experiments with miners till eventualy something gets to the new version of the miner. I change some thing in the official so they can work on some specific machines or something like that... Nevermind of what I do I can say just one thing: ITS EXPERIMENTAL USE AT YOUR OWN RISK(nothing bad wont happen)


  1. Modify 1.7 and 1.8 release of Multithreaded miner to not contain Colorama to have the latest miners without them as option too.
  2. Remake ESP8266 miner to use serial communication instead of WiFi. Uploaded!
  3. Include Arduino DUE and ESP32 as mining hardware too(no available libraries to do SHA1 hashing for them). Uploaded! Now in the main repo.
  4. Include RealTimeOS for the MCUs to stabilise mining and get more debugging info from them.
  5. Remake Multithreaded miner to not use a password, just username and threadcount. Uploaded!
  6. Make MicroPython code to get mining support for boards with it. Uploaded!

We need to find an answer for:

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