Class-Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning (ICLR2022)

Code for the paper: "On Non-Random Missing Labels in Semi-Supervised Learning" by Xinting Hu, Yulei Niu, Chunyan Miao, Xian-Sheng Hua, Hanwang Zhang

The code is based on Fixmatch by David Berthelot. Thank you for your sharing!


Important: ML_DATA is a shell environment variable that should point to the location where the datasets are installed. See the Install datasets section for more details.

Install dependencies

sudo apt install python3-dev python3-virtualenv python3-tk imagemagick
virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages env3
. env3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install datasets

The datasets used in this repository are: CIFAR, STL10, and miniImageNet. CIFAR and STL10 will be downloaded and converted automatically. For mini-ImageNet, you can download the mini-ImageNet dataset, and convert it to TFrecord use this. The download link for my converted version is here.

export ML_DATA="path to where you want the datasets saved"
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:"path to the FixMatch"

# Download datasets

# Create unlabeled datasets 
# unlabeled -- original balanced version
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar10 $ML_DATA/cifar10-train.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar100 $ML_DATA/cifar100-train.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/stl10 $ML_DATA/stl10-train.tfrecord $ML_DATA/stl10-unlabeled.tfrecord &

# unlabeled -- Long-Tailed (LT) version 

# unlabeled -- cifar10_LT
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar10_LT_20 $ML_DATA/cifar10-train.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar10_LT_50 $ML_DATA/cifar10-train.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar10_LT_100 $ML_DATA/cifar10_LT_100-train.tfrecord &

# unlabeled -- cifar100_LT
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar100_LT_50 $ML_DATA/cifar100_LT_50-train.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar100_LT_100 $ML_DATA/cifar100_LT_100-train.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar100_LT_200 $ML_DATA/cifar100-train.tfrecord &

# unlabeled -- stl10_LT
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/stl10_LT_50 $ML_DATA/stl10-train.tfrecord $ML_DATA/stl10-unlabeled.tfrecord &
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/stl10_LT_100 $ML_DATA/stl10-train.tfrecord $ML_DATA/stl10-unlabeled.tfrecord &

# unlabeled -- miniImageNet_LT
python scripts/ $ML_DATA/SSL2/miniImageNet_LT_100 $ML_DATA/miniImageNet-train.tfrecord 

# Create original semi-supervised subsets (seed for random seed, size for the whole size of the labeled data)
for seed in 1; do
    for size in 40 250 4000; do
        python scripts/ --seed=$seed --size=$size $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar10 $ML_DATA/cifar10-train.tfrecord &
    for size in 400 2500 10000; do
        python scripts/ --seed=$seed --size=$size $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar100 $ML_DATA/cifar100-train.tfrecord &
    python scripts/ --seed=$seed --size=1000 $ML_DATA/SSL2/stl10 $ML_DATA/stl10-train.tfrecord $ML_DATA/stl10-unlabeled.tfrecord &

# for LT-label semi-supervised subsets  (seed for random seed, size for the max size of labeled data among classes, lamda for imabalance ratio of the labeled data)
for seed in 1; do
    for size in 20 50 100; do
        python scripts/ --seed=$seed --size=$size --lamda=$size $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar10_LT_$size $ML_DATA/cifar10-train.tfrecord &

for seed in 1; do
    for size in 50 100 200; do
        python scripts/ --seed=$seed --size=$size --lamda=50 $ML_DATA/SSL2/cifar100_LT_$size $ML_DATA/cifar100-train.tfrecord &

python scripts/ --seed=1 --size=100 --lamda=100 $ML_DATA/SSL2/miniImageNet_LT_100 $ML_DATA/miniImageNet_LT_100-train.tfrecord &

Default available labeled sizes are 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 250, 1000, 4000. Default validation available sizes are 1, 5000. Default possible shuffling seeds are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 for no shuffling (0 is not used in practiced since data requires to be shuffled for gradient descent to work properly). You can change the above default settings in libml\



All commands must be ran from the project root. The following environment variables must be defined:

export ML_DATA="path to where you want the datasets saved"
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:"path to the FixMatch"


We have WideResNet and ResNet18 for backbones, you can choose by modifying libml/


For original semi-supervised subsets: For example, training a FixMatch with 32 filters on cifar10 shuffled with seed=1, 40 labeled samples and 1 validation sample:

Baseline FixMatch:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --filters=32 --dataset=cifar10.1@40-1 --train_dir ./experiments/fixmatch


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --filters=32 --CAP --CAI --CADR --dataset=cifar10.1@40-1 --train_dir ./experiments/fixmatch

For LT-labeled semi-supervised subsets: Baseline FixMatch:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --filters=32 --dataset=cifar10_LT_20.1@20-1 --train_dir ./experiments/fixmatch


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --filters=32 --CAP --CAI --CADR --dataset=cifar10_LT_20.1@20-1 --train_dir ./experiments/fixmatch

Multi-GPU training

Just pass more GPUs and fixmatch automatically scales to them, here we assign GPUs 4-7 to the program: Baseline FixMatch:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python --filters=32 --dataset=cifar10_LT_20.1@20-1 --train_dir ./experiments/fixmatch --devicenum=4


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python --filters=32 --CAP --CAI --CADR --dataset=cifar10_LT_20.1@20-1 --train_dir ./experiments/fixmatch --devicenum=4

See for running scripts.


python --help
# The following option might be too slow to be really practical.
# python --helpfull
# So instead I use this hack to find the flags:
fgrep -R flags.DEFINE libml

The --augment flag can use a little more explanation. It is composed of 3 values, for example d.d.d (d=default augmentation, for example shift/mirror, x=identity, e.g. no augmentation, ra=rand-augment, rac=rand-augment + cutout):

  • the first d refers to data augmentation to apply to the labeled example.
  • the second d refers to data augmentation to apply to the weakly augmented unlabeled example.
  • the third d refers to data augmentation to apply to the strongly augmented unlabeled example. For the strong augmentation, d is followed by CTAugment for and code inside cta/ folder.

Monitoring training progress

You can point tensorboard to the training folder (by default it is --train_dir=./experiments) to monitor the training process: --port 6007 --logdir ./experiments

Checkpoint accuracy

We compute the arithmetic mean accuracy and geometric mean accuracy of the last 10 checkpoints in the paper, this is done through this code:

# Following the previous example in which we trained cifar10.1@40-1, extracting accuracy:
./scripts/ ./experiments/fixmatch/cifar10.1@40-1 /CTAugment_depth2_th0.80_decay0.990/FixMatch_archresnet_batch64_confidence0.95_filters32_lr0.03_nclass10_repeat4_scales3_uratio7_wd0.0005_wu1.0/

./scripts/ ./experiments/fixmatch/cifar10.1@40-1 /CTAugment_depth2_th0.80_decay0.990/FixMatch_archresnet_batch64_confidence0.95_filters32_lr0.03_nclass10_repeat4_scales3_uratio7_wd0.0005_wu1.0/

# The command above will create a stats/accuracy.json file in the model folder.
# The format is JSON so you can either see its content as a text file or process it to your liking.

Adding datasets

You can add custom datasets into the codebase by taking the following steps:

  1. Add a function to acquire the dataset to scripts/ similar to the present ones, e.g. _load_cifar10. You need to call _encode_png to create encoded strings from the original images. The created function should return a dictionary of the format {'train' : {'images': <encoded 4D NHWC>, 'labels': <1D int array>}, 'test' : {'images': <encoded 4D NHWC>, 'labels': <1D int array>}} .
  2. Add the dataset to the variable CONFIGS in scripts/ with the previous function as loader. You can now run the create_datasets script to obtain a tf record for it.
  3. Use the create_unlabeled and create_split script to create unlabeled and differently split tf records as above in the Install Datasets section.
  4. In libml/ add your dataset in the create_datasets function. The specified "label" for the dataset has to match the created splits for your dataset. You will need to specify the corresponding variables if your dataset has a different # of classes than 10 and different resolution and # of channels than 32x32x3
  5. In libml/ add your dataset to the DEFAULT_AUGMENT variable. Primitives "s", "m", "ms" represent mirror, shift and mirror+shift.

Citing this work

title={On Non-Random Missing Labels in Semi-Supervised Learning},
author={Xinting Hu and Yulei Niu and Chunyan Miao and Xian-Sheng Hua and Hanwang Zhang},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},