
An attempt to create an open python interface to allow accessing functionality of IRB series ABB robots via terminal so that you can use any programming language that can push data onto a TCP/IP socket to talk to the robot

Primary LanguagePython

#PythonABBDriver An attempt to create an open python interface to allow accessing functionality of IRB series ABB robots via terminal

How to Install

  1. You need to have the latest version of IronPython.
  2. Installation of Robotware 5.15.
  3. Installation of Git ( unless you download the repository as a .zip file.

After installation the dependencies, just git clone this repository into the folder of your choice from your terminal

git clone https://github.com/JoyKrishnaMondal/PythonABBDriver.git

Now whenever you want to upload the .mod file that contains RAPID code just run the script DLLAccess.py from the terminal

ipy DLLAccess.py

CrashCourse on the ABB software system

  1. ABB is a microsoft shop, they have exposed their SDK using 2 .DLL files.

  2. ABB robots cannot be directly controlled, the robot is connected to another piece of hardware called the controller - we can only talk to this controller. The flexpendent is the console/terminal/screen to this hardware.

  3. ABB has written a Domain Specfic Language for their robots. The .DLL has no function that can be directly called to make the robot do things. This Domain specifc language is called RAPID.

  4. We can only make the controller execute RAPID code. It will not execute C#,C++ or any other mainstream language that you are used to.

  5. The SDK only allows us to upload, manipulate and remove RAPID code using the .DLLs.

Aim of project

I have started this project to attempt to create an interface in ironpython that will allow to me send instructions onto a TCP/IP socket to ironpython that will use ABB's SDK to upload relevant RAPID code or at least manipulate it so that we can in a simple manner make the robot do things we want it to.


  1. The code I have until now will allow you to easily upload a sample rapid code to execute on the robot.
  2. Robot functionaly can be accessed via MATAB.


  1. Reduce latency.
  2. Access the robot's functionality via javascript (node.js)