Joy Marocho
- Description
- Features
- [Installation](#Installation-and Set-up)
- RunningTheTests
- Technology Used
- Known Bugs
- Live Link
- Contacts
- Licence
This application depicts a personal gallery where the admin can post photos and users get to view them. Users can expand the images by clicking on them, know the shooting location, copy and share a link to the image, and search for images.
As a user of the application you will be able to:
- View different photos that interest you.
- Click on a single photo to expand it and also view the details of the photo. The photo details will appear on a modal within the same route as the main page.
- Search for different categories of photos. (ie. Movie, Sports, Nature)
- Click on share icon to share the image with any of your social account or alternatively Copy a link to the photo and share with your friends.
- View photos based on the location they were taken or category.
Clone this repo: git clone
The repo comes in a zipped or compressed format. Extract to your prefered location and open it.
open your terminal and navigate to gallery then create a virtual environment.For detailed guide refer here
To run the app, you'll have to run the following commands in your terminal
pip install -r requirements.txt
On your terminal,Create database gallery using the command below.
Migrate the database using the command below
python3.6 migrate
Then serve the app, so that the app will be available on localhost:8000, to do this run the command below
python runserver
Use the navigation bar/navbar/navigation pane/menu to navigate and explore the app.
Use the command given below to run automated tests.
python test gallery
- Django - Web Framework
- Python - For functionality
- HTML - For building Mark Up pages/User Interface
- CSS - For Styling User Interface
No known bugs at the moment.
Slack Profile - JOY MAROCHO
Copyright (c) [2022] Joy Marocho