Joy Marocho
- Description
- Features
- [Installation](#Installation-and Set-up)
- RunningTheTests
- Technology Used
- Known Bugs
- Live Link
- Contacts
- Licence
This application allows a user to post their projects for other users to rate the project based on design, usability, and content.
As the application's user you will be able to:
- View posted projects and their details.
- Post a project to be rated/reviewed.
- Rate/review other users' projects.
- Search for projects.
- View your project's overall score and that of other users.
- View the project owner's profile page.
Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/JoyMarocho/Ratemyproject.git
Open your terminal and navigate to the cloned folder then create a virtual environment.For detailed guide refer here
To run the app, you'll have to run the following commands in your terminal
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
On your terminal, Create a database for the application using the command below.
CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
Migrate the database using the command below
make migrate
Then serve the app, so that the app will be available on localhost:8000, to do this run the command below
make serve
Use the navigation bar/navbar/navigation pane/menu to navigate and explore the app.
Use the command given below to run automated tests.
make test
- Django - Web Framework
- Python - For functionality
- HTML - For building Mark Up pages/User Interface
- CSS - For Styling User Interface
No known bugs at the moment.
Email: joymarocho@gmail.com
Slack Profile - JOY MAROCHO
Copyright (c) [2022] Joy Marocho