
Basically this application converts crypto currency value into the actual currency as per real time rates. For this we have used CoinMarketCap's public apis.


There are 3 endpoints in the node application as mentioned below.

  1. /crypto: this will fetch top 100 crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum
  2. /supported: this will fetch top 100 supported currencies like INR, USD
  3. /conversion: this will calculate the given amount as per the conversation rate between provided crypto currency and actual currency.


A simple frontend application with basic design. It has a form, user has to fill the details and click on convert button. It will call an api and converted amount will be shown below the form.

To run the code

  • We have to run both applications separately
  • we have to provide required env variables mentioned in .env.sample file
  • For both we need to execute: yarn dev

Tech stack

  • Typescript
  • Node + Express
  • React + Vite