Web-based named entity recognition

What is new?:

  1. Enter text in text area and select a model (Spacy or Text API) and languages from the dropdown.
  2. You should see the NER results in the form of DropDown UI in the right panel as below: app
  3. Also, added inline view that is visible after clicking the "Open inline view button" at the bottom. inline-view
  4. This inline view color codes the tagged NER response and also supports tooltip NER info available on hover. inline-view-tooltip-view


  1. Text API is an online rest API that has only limited free credits. Once this limit is crossed, to continue using the API please create a new account here and paste the token from this page at this flask-backend/constants.py#L4 line.
  2. Use node v16 and python 3.10


Named entity recognition (NER) is a very important and long-standing goal of the NLP community. In it, we attempt to identify and categorize "entities" from text so that we can use them for downstream processing such as argument attachment or event extraction.

Task: Build a web application that can take in text and return named entities.

Text: The pilot, John Doe, flew over the United States in his airplane.

Named entities: John Doe (PERSON), the United States (GPE)


  • Text will be no longer than 500 words.
  • Required named entity types are PERSON, GPE (Geopolitical Entity), LOC (Location), ORG (Organization) - you can add more if you choose
  • If no named entities are found, return a "No entities found" message.


Because we don't aim to test you on project setup, we have provided templates that you may choose to use if you wish. For the frontend, we've given you templates in Vue.js, React.js, and Angular. For the backend, we have provided a template in Flask.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed.
  2. We also recommend setting up a virtual environment for the Python dependencies. A good one is Miniconda, which you can then use in a manner similar to the following code snippet:
conda create --name web-ner python=3.7
  1. Run make install FRONTEND=react-frontend BACKEND=flask-backend
  2. Run make start FRONTEND=react-frontend BACKEND=flask-backend

Judging criteria:

  • Code quality - We want to know that you are capable of writing production-level code involving machine learning material.
  • Usability - The interface should be intuitive to use for the reviewer.
  • Accuracy of model - The model you choose to use should be able to cover the very basics, like recognizing the United States as a GPE. We just want to know that whatever model you choose or implement works.
  • Creativity - This is a catch-all category for whatever else you want to incorporate to show off your skills. Some examples could be implementing more entity types or other linguistic features, creating a more visually appealing interface, creating an option to use a different language, or adding better error handling. This is your time to shine.

Example app

If you have any questions/comments while working on this, please reach out to your contact at ISI.