
In this lab you will practice high level and low level testing, as well as TDD with Jest.

Primary LanguageHTML

Testing Lab

In this lab you will practice high level and low level testing, as well as TDD with Jest.

Part 1

Clone and run the Wanted Queries application by using the following commands in your terminal

  • Navigate to the folder you want to store this inside in command line and run the following commands:
git clone -b version-1.1 https://github.com/DevMountain-QA/wanted-queries.git

cd wanted-queries

npm i

npm start

There is no “Bug Bounty”, however you should have enough coverage in your tests to find some flaws with the application

Part 2

For part 2 you will need to create a directory and open it up in VS Code. Call the directory testing-lab.

Step 1

In this step, we’ll initialize a package.json and import Jest into our project.


  • Run npm init -y.

  • Run npm install --save-dev jest to install Jest and save it to the development dependencies.

  • Open package.json and modify the test script, replacing the entire string with jest

Step 2

In this step, create a JavaScript file that has a couple functions.


  • Create a functions.js file.

  • Use module.exports to export an object.

  • Add a new property to the object called returnTwo:

    • returnTwo should be a function that returns the integer 2.
  • Add a new property to the object called greeting:

    • greeting should be a function with a name parameter.

    • greeting should return "Hello, name." where name is the value of the name parameter.

  • Add a new property to the object called add:

    • add should be a function with a num1 and num2 parameter.

    addshould return the sum ofnum1andnum2`.

Step 3

In this step, we’ll create a test file to test the functions inside of functions.js.


  • Create a new test file called functions.test.js.

  • Open functions.test.js.

  • Require functions.js at the top.

  • Create a test for returnTwo:

    • This test should expect returnTwo() to equal 2.
  • Create a test for greeting:

    • This test should expect greeting('James') to equal "Hello, James.".

    • This test should expect greeting('Jill') to equal "Hello, Jill.".

  • Create a test for add:

    • This test should expect add(1, 2) to equal 3.

    • This test should expect add(5, 9) to equal 14.

Step 4

In this step, we’ll run our test script and watch Jest in action.


  • Run npm run test.

If everything worked correctly, you should have a total of 3 passed tests.